Student Theses

Graduate Theses

Coons, Shea P., "Monitoring the wetland landscape: white-faced ibis (Plegadis chihi) breeding habitat as a model assemblage" (2021). Graduate Student Theses, Dissertations, & Professional Papers. 11838.

Haines, D.B. 2020. Golden eagle resource selection and environmental drivers of reproduction in the northern range of Yellowstone National Park. MS Thesis, University of Montana.

Ruth, K.A. 2019. Population and breeding ecology of sagebrush steppe songbirds. MS Thesis, University of Montana.

Fagre, D.A. 2018. Avian community responses to bison grazing in North American Intermountain Grasslands. MS Thesis, University of Montana.

Janousek, W.M. 2018. Evaluating population trends and species richness-disturbance relationship using avian monitoring data. PhD Dissertation, University of Montana.

Golding, J.D. 2015. Assessing change in Avian Communities. MS Thesis. University of Montana.

Undergraduate Theses

Scheuering, Miles, "The Expansion of Shrimp Farms in the Gulf of California and Potential for Restoration to Support Migratory Waterbirds" (2021). Undergraduate Theses, Professional Papers, and Capstone Artifacts. 335.

Strickfaden, K.M. 2018. Quantifying False Positives in Avian Survey Data. Undergraduate Senior Thesis – Honor’s College, University of Montana.

Reintsma, K.M. 2016. A Novel Approach to Estimate Nest Abundance of Brewer's Sparrow (Spizella brewerii). Undergradaute Senior Thesis - Honor's College.  University of Montana.