Syllabus Statement

Syllabus statement

The University of Montana is committed to access and inclusion for students with disabilities. To demonstrate your commitment as an instructor, we recommend you include the accessibility statement in your course syllabi.

In addition, we recommend instructors review this statement with the class so students will feel more comfortable making accommodation requests.

Accessibility Syllabus Statement:

The University of Montana assures equal access to instruction through collaboration between students with disabilities, instructors, and the Office for Disability Equity (ODE). If you anticipate or experience barriers based on disability, please contact the ODE at 406-243-2243 or, or visit Office of Disability Equity website. for more information. Retroactive accommodation requests will not be honored, so please, do not delay. As your instructor, I will work with you and the ODE to implement an effective accommodation, and you are welcome to contact me privately if you wish.