
The Wellness departments engages in a variety of outreach education efforts throughout the academic year. Look for us around campus and follow us on social media via @curryhealthcenter.

Welcome to the Health Buzz Podcast! Provided by the Curry Health Center Wellness Office. The hosts on the show are students and peer health educators. The mission of Health Buzz is to create a safe space for the UM student body to have frank conversations about health, provide practical skills, and foster resilience and connection through lived experiences.   


Curry Health Center-Myth Busting Edition

It’s time to GYT!

What is Healthy?

What the heck is harm reduction?

Living with Stress & Practicing Resilience

Why not New Year’s Resolutions?

Safer Sex During Covid Times

Health Buzz Team:

Alex Donaldson-Health Buzz Coordinator/Health Nut Blogger  

Tori Tippett-Health Buzz Editor 

Rae Gordon-Podcast Host  

Kendall Buttler-Podcast Host

The purpose of the YOU@UM portal is to connect students with campus resources and other online educational tools to increase University of Montana student success. The innovative digital tool promotes self- reflection, allowing students to be more proactive with their health and well-being in order to make the most of their college experience. 

Students can complete brief assessments and create their profile in order to customize content. Users can set goals and check them off once completed, peruse useful and relatable content, or search for something specific. 

Using the portal, students can explore their strengths and areas for growth across three domains: 

  • SUCCEED = Academics / Career 
  • THRIVE = Physical / Mental Health 
  • MATTER = Purpose / Community / Social 

Because the portal is so personalized, it adapts to your experience as your stressors, lifestyle, and needs change throughout college. Moreover, YOU does not have the time and physical restrictions of many other outlets. When the gym closes before your de-stress session, or your best friend isn’t answering their phone, or you can’t make an appointment at the Curry Health Center. YOU is still online and available.   

Even before you get to campus, log onto YOU to create a profile to learn about intramural sports, volunteer opportunities, transition resources and more. Add YOU to your list of reliable places to turn when you need to reach out, reflect, or refresh.  

You Welcome/Orientation Video


Students log in through their myUM account or directly at: https://you.umt.edu/ and use their NetID and password to create an account. 

When students opt-in to use YOU@UM, the platform collects basic user information (name, email address, etc.). This information is collected to allow the platform to enable secure access and personalized resources for individual users. In addition, YOU@UM collects product usage data (clicks, time spent on the site, search terms, etc.) each time a student uses the platform. 

However, YOU@UM’s comprehensive privacy defenses protect this information from risk. For example: 

  • Data like names and email addresses are always encrypted to protect the student’s identity. 
  • We restrict our team’s access to student data, limiting access of confidential information to only key development staff. 
  • YOU@UM analytics use aggregate data and prevents displaying small results sizes. 
  • Finally, no YOU@UM information is ever sold to any outside third party. 

Why have we brought YOU to our campus?  

  • YOU puts self-care in the hands of students, empowering them to take charge of all pieces of their college experience with the right tools to do so.  
  • YOU increases the visibility of campus resources and services and also personalizes those resources to students based on their individual needs.  
  • YOU is available 24/7, anytime, anywhere. When offices on campus close, students can still seek out helpful information on their own terms and schedule. Plus, it’s confidential, making it easy to explore any topic comfortably.  


  • Students using YOU: 
  • 98% of first year students reported learning skills to support their mental health and well-being 
  • Top skills learned: productive study habits, career goal setting, stress management 
  • 93% of students said that the resources are relevant to their identity(ies) 
  • 87% of students reported learning about new campus resources 
  • 43% of those students then connected with that resource on campus 
  • 76% of students reported being better able to manage their stress 
  • 47% of students feel more connected to campus 
  • 74% of students nationally said their mental health had a negative impact on their academic performance over a 4-week period.
  • Suicide is the second leading cause of death on college campuses, indicating a need for additional services and student supports to help tackle this complex issue. (Citation on USA Today website

Student Quotes:  

  • “I enjoyed how this portal is able to adapt and customize to my experiences/needs and provide me resources for what I am struggling with at the time."
  • "This website has been an excellent resource and is incredibly helpful. Many of the questions asked were ones I had been asking myself, but seeing them in text and answering them one after another solidified how I felt about some issues. All of the advice given was positive and insightful, and I've started looking into a few of the resources offered."                                      
  • “I really enjoyed the quizzes that give you insight to yourself, and from there it provides specialized resources that should help specifically you.”                                                          
  • “Everyone is going through something, so it helps to know that wherever we are in our college years, we can always have this website to go to for a self-help resource.” 
  • “Anyone regardless of their identities is able to find resources that are of value to them.” 
  • "This platform is different because you know it's reliable content. It's not bogus, like a lot of other information out there you have to sift through."  
  • “It’s been very helpful in the sense of making me feel not so alone.”  


For University-specific questions, contact Kayli Julius, Wellness Director Curry Health Center  

(406) 243-6719 | kayli.julius@mso.umt.edu 

 For questions specific to the YOU@College portal, please contact Paige Beaufort, Director of Campus Programming at Grit Digital Health (720)-407-8920 | paige@gritdigitalhealth.com 

The Health Nut blog gives students all the tips, tricks, and resources necessary to survive college. Recipes, work-out ideas, videos, articles by students, stress relief tips, and infographics all for you! So forget the freshman fifteen, avoid becoming a caffeine-crazed zombie, and let us increase your health so you can be successful at school and in life.

    Stress 47% of 

University of Montana students reported feeling more than average amounts of stress. Health Nut helps you relax.

  Diet 53% of

University of Montana students do not eat enough fruits and vegetables daily. Health Nut gives you healthy recipe ideas.

  Sleep 43% of

University of Montana Students reported feeling tired or sleepy during the day. Health Nut helps you get Z's!

Tobacco 71% of

University of Montana Students support a smoke-free campus. Get help quitting through Health Nut.

2nd Wednesday of every month -- Dogs, Yoga, Meditation and more

Information Coming Soon