Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies Faculty & Staff

Rayna Sage

RTC:Rural Co-Director


Corbin 239
Office Hours

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Curriculum Vitae
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Personal Summary

Rayna Sage is a rural sociologist and began working with RTC: Rural in November of 2016.

In her work here, she uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to engage in participatory action research that informs programming, services, and community development activities that help improve community living for people with disabilities. Dr. Sage is particularly interested in how inequalities related to disabilities intersect with other inequalities such as racism, sexism, and discrimination towards people of the LGBTQ community in rural spaces.

Before joining the RTC: Rural, she was a clinical assistant professor in Human Development teaching and coordinating internships in human services. She completed her PhD at Washington State University in 2012 and before this spent four years as a home visiting social worker for rural low-income families with small children.

Dr. Rayna Sage is a Member-at-Large (2022-2025) on the National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers (NARRTC) Executive Committee.


2023     MSW     Social Work, University of Montana

2012     PhD       Sociology, Washington State University

2003     MA         Human Development, Washington State University

2001     BA          Human Development, Washington State University

1997     AA          General Studies, Grays Harbor Community College

Teaching Experience

I have been teaching university courses since 2008 in sociology and human development.

Research Interests

Disability in rural places

Rural community well-being and health, especially related to poverty and gender inequity

Community-based participatory research

Education, employment, and rural labor market conditions

Field of Study

Community living

Personal assistance services

Qualitative research

Community-based research

Selected Publications

Sage, R., Mashinchi, G. M., & Ravesloot, C. (2023). Disability and Rural Health. The Oxford Encyclopedia on Global Public Health.

Standley, K., Ravesloot, C., Sage, R., & Sondag, A. (2023). Hopefulness and meaning in adults with disabilities’ physical activity: A qualitative study. Rehabilitation Psychology. DOI: 10.1037/rep0000496

Standley, K., Ravesloot, C., Sage, R., & Sondag, A. (2023). Health coaching for people with disabilities: An exploratory mixed-methods study. American Journal of Health Promotion. DOI: 10.1177/08901171221109524

Chapman, S., Greiman, L., Wagner, L., Lissau, A., & Sage, R. (2022). Personal care aides: Assessing self-care needs and worker shortages in rural areas. Health Affairs, 41(10).  https://doi.org/10.1377/hlthaff.2022.00483

Sage, R., Ipsen, C., & Standley, K. (2022). ““Everything is a mess. I’m just trying to survive it.”: Impacts of COVID-19 on personal assistance services. Journal of Health for the Poor and Underserved, 33(4), 1844-1864.

Standley, K., Sage, R. A., Hargrove, T., & Ravesloot, C. (2022). Participatory curriculum development for health and independent living for people with disabilities: A qualitative study of participant experiences. Disability and Society. https://doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2022.2087489