Pazit Levitan

Media Producer

Pazit Levitan is a New York-based media producer who developed a global career around her passion for cross-cultural communication, technology, education and the arts. In her native Israel, she earned a BA in Journalism and Art History from Hebrew University, Jerusalem, founded and performed in an acclaimed dance company, and traveled the world. She moved to England in 1996, where she earned an MA in Video Production from Bournemouth University, and directed/produced an award-winning documentary about cross-cultural dance (A Personal Touch) that exhibited worldwide.

In 1999 Pazit moved to New York to launch Pazit Productions, producing and consulting on educational media. She also earned an MBA in Media Management from Metropolitan College of New York. Meanwhile, the web was exploding and Pazit embraced it.In 2001 Pazit was hired by Metropolitan College of New York to be its first Director of Internet Marketing and Development. Pazit led a team that turned the institution's award-winning website into an outstanding marketing platform, making it a cost-effective spotlight for branding, communication and recruitment. She became an expert on creative teamwork, content management, usability, SEM (Search Engine Marketing) strategies, e-newsletters, blogging, web video, virtual worlds (e.g. Second Life) and other web communication tools, while consulting for various businesses and speaking at interactive media conferences.

Currently, Pazit is doctorate candidate in Communication and Education at Columbia University, focusing her research on narrative structure, role-play and identity in educational video game design. She is the Project Manager of the Advance! game design team and a contributing writer to the Games for Research group blog. Pazit is also a Graduate Research Fellow at the Columbia University's Harlem Schools Partnership, dedicated to building the partner schools' capacity in science, technology, engineering and mathematics instruction. She continues to serve as a volunteering Co-Chair at Israeliness, while enjoying travel, art and yoga. Pazit's biggest role, however, is as mother to her two lovely sons. They have been her biggest teachers regarding balance, love and getting things done.