Griz Give-and-Get Instructions

Video: How to use Griz Give-and-Get

How to Use Griz Give-and-Get

To Give

Upload the item you want to give

  1. Post a picture of the item that you want to give
  2. In the same post as the picture, post an accurate description of the item
  3. Please do not post your address or location in any public channel
  4. Wait for an interested getter to contact you to arrange a time and/or place they can get the item

Replying to a getter

  1. Tell the giver where they can either meet you or where they can pick up the item you want to give. Please do not share this information on public channels. Use direct messaging or other platforms to share this information. Please note: If you live in the residence halls, you may not leave anything outside your door. Please meet somewhere outside of the residence halls. 
  2. Clarify whether you would like to meet the giver in person to give away the item, or if you plan to leave the item outside your door. (You may not leave anything outside your door if in a residence hall). 
  3. If you prefer to meet the getter, coordinate a time when to meet. d. If you prefer to leave something outside your door, please specify the timeframe when you will have the item outside your door. (You may not leave anything outside your door if you live in the residence halls). 
  4. Please respect other people’s time. If you tell a getter that they can pick up an item between a certain timeframe, ensure that they are able to pick it up during this timeframe.
  5. Please be respectful and follow the University conduct code while interacting with people both via email and in-person.

To Get

1. Browse any channel to see if there is anything that you want

2. Once you decide what you want, contact the giver by direct messaging them on Teams OR contact them via their university email address IF they provide it. To direct message a person, go to the “Chat” feature on Microsoft Team’s side bar. Determine how and when you will get the item from the giver.

3. Please be respectful and follow the University conduct code while interacting with people both via direct message, email, and in-person.