Please Join Us to Envision UM

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Dear UM Family,

As the University Design Team charts the University of Montana’s future, I invite you to engage and participate in an important conversation held this Friday, Sept. 18. Hosted by members of the UDT along with EAB, an academic strategy and advisory firm, two Friday sessions will invite you to envision the future of UM. Please join us.

As I mentioned in my 2020 State of the University, the UDT worked over the summer to articulate the characteristics of a Flagship of the Future. But we need your help to breathe life into that future vision for UM.

At this interactive 90-minute virtual workshop, you will use some of the same methods the UDT has employed this summer to consider for yourself what the future of UM might look like. You will have the opportunity to learn more about and reflect on the design principles the UDT has formulated, and you will get to work with other UM community members to complete a creative project that will help specify what future Grizzlies will experience at UM. Your input will heavily support the UDT as they develop a list of strategic initiatives for the University to discuss this fall.

In gratitude,


Office of the President
University of Montana - 32 Campus Drive
Missoula, Montana 59812 | 406-243-2311 | Office of the President website

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