Madison McKenzie

Madison McKenzie is a first-year sociology master’s student. After graduating with her bachelor’s degree in sociology in 2017, she knew she wanted to continue studying sociology. She also knew she wanted to return to Montana, where she grew up. These factors led Madison to the University of Montana, where she is pursuing environmental sociology while also getting out into nature whenever she can.

Headshot of Madison


While Madison was studying in California, she worked as a respite caregiver for people with disabilities, and after she graduated, she worked as a behavior interventionist for the same population. During this time, the Thomas Fire forced many in the Ventura area, including Madison, to evacuate. She found that this fire severely affected the folks with disabilities that she was working with. Today, Madison plans to study the environmental impacts of climate change, specifically wildfires, on people with cognitive disabilities for her master’s thesis. In the future, she will continue to advocate for people with disabilities, whether it be as a policy-maker, a teacher, or a researcher.

Madison has found the University of Montana to provide both the location and educational rigor that she wanted in a university. She says that the professors here challenge her to succeed, and the small cohort provides a sense of connection while they research and study together.