IPHARM Participates in Project Community Connect

project community connect flyer

March 2024 - ImProving Health Among Rural Montanans (IPHARM), participated in the 2024 Project Community Connect (PCC) event at the Missoula Public Library on March 27. PCC is designed to provide core services and hospitality to community members experiencing resource insecurity.  PCC is a one-stop shop, with many community providers and organizations coming together to help meet our neighbors’ basic needs while they work towards obtaining stability- all in a safe, welcoming, and stigma-free environment. IPHARM was there and performed hemoglobin A1c (diabetes) and lipid screening tests, along with bone density screening and blood pressure checks. 

IPHARM has been in existence since 2002 as a means to assist in managing chronic diseases in rural communities around Montana. The program utilizes clinical students in pharmacy, nursing, physical therapy, and social work in an educational setting to provide point-of-care screenings/assessments and counseling for community members to manage chronic conditions such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, and asthma. The program has worked closely with local pharmacies, clinics, senior centers, and health departments to support these rural communities across the state. It currently is funded through the Montana Geriatric Education Center (MGEC) and is a featured program of the Skaggs Institute for Health Innovation (SIHI).