Dr. Hayley Blackburn delivers keynote at MPA Annual CE and Ski

Dr.Hayley Blackburn (left)

January 2023 - Members of SIHI participated in the Montana Pharmacy Association Annual CE and Ski Meeting at Big Sky Resort.

Since its establishment in 1890, the Montana Pharmacy Association (MPA) has been the leading advocate and voice in representing the interests of pharmacy professionals across the Big Sky. The mission of MPA is to advance public health and maximize positive patient outcomes by providing innovation and leadership and advocating for the professional interests of pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, students, and ancillary pharmacy personnel.

Dr. Hayley Blackburn (left) was the keynote speaker, and she delivered her presentation titled, “Pharmacists’ Role in Sustainable and Resilient Health Systems.” Her talk focused on opportunities for pharmacists to engage in climate adaptation efforts in public health and direct patient care, and to mitigate the environmental impact of the pharmaceutical industry through prescribing decisions.

You can learn more about this topic and Dr. Blackburn’s work here.