Rural Institute Staff

Jordan (Jo) Costello

Instructional Designer, Adjunct Assistant Professor


Working remotely (in-person meetings by request)

Personal Summary

Jordan (Jo) Costello started working on several RTC:Rural projects as a web designer in 2016 and officially joined the team as an instructional designer in 2022.

Jo received her MFA and BFA degrees in Media Arts with an emphasis in Integrated Digital Media at the University of Montana. She has extensive experience in Media Arts an instructional design, including web design, graphic design, photography, digital accessibility, animation, video production, and creative coding. Jo leverages her background in digital art, instructional design, and teaching to develop high-quality online courses, trainings, and websites for RTC:Rural.

Along with her personal and professional projects, she is currently an adjunct assistant professor for the School of Visual and Media Arts, where she has been teaching digital art classes since 2015.


2017 | MFA, Media Arts, University of Montana

2014 | BFA, Media Arts, Specialization in Integrated Digital Media, University of Montana

Courses Taught

Currently Teaching:

GDSN 149A: Digital Imaging I


Previously Taught:

MART 111A: Intro to Photoshop

MART 255: Photoshop: Art & Design

Field of Study

Instructional Design

Web Design

Graphic Design

Digital Accessibility