Reach Staff

Tony Ward



Skaggs Building Room 176
(406) 243-4092

Personal Summary

Originally from Houston, Texas, Tony Ward came to Missoula in 1997 to attend graduate school at the University of Montana.  He is currently Professor and Chair of the School of Public and Community Health Sciences.  In addition to teaching within the School, his research involves working in rural communities and schools throughout Montana, Idaho, Alaska, and Arizona on air pollution (forest fires and wood stoves) and health issues.  On a personal note, he has two daughters and enjoys the outdoor activities that Montana has to offer (skiing, backpacking, trail running, and fly-fishing).



Ph.D., Chemistry (emphasis in Air Pollution) – University of Montana (2001).
M.S., Environmental Science (emphasis in Industrial Hygiene) – University of Houston – Clear Lake (1997).
B.S., Environmental Science (minor in Chemistry) – Sam Houston State University (1993).

Courses Taught

  • PUBH 560:  Environmental and Rural Health
  • PUBH 592:  Independent Study
  • MPEM 5190:  Indoor Environmental Quality Management (through Montana Tech)
  • PUBH 591:  Indoor Environmental Quality Management

Research Interests

Research in our group focuses on investigating indoor and ambient inhalational exposures (including emissions from wood stoves and smoke from forest fires) common to residents of rural and underserved areas of the northern Rockies and Alaska.  Our research group also has delivered the Research Education on Air and Cardiovascular Health (REACH) Program, an outreach / education program, to rural schools throughout Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, Alaska, and New Zealand since 2003.  We have recently developed the Montana Public Health Training Center, supporting the regional public health and healthcare workforce through trainings and a variety of other activities. 



Ongoing Research Support

1R25GM129849-01A1     Ward (PI)     9/01/18 – 8/31/24

National Institutes of Health (NIGMS)

Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA), Improving rural population health through air quality and cardiovascular health education.

The Research Education for Air and Cardiovascular Health (REACH) program ( provides educational opportunities for over 5,000 students from schools located within rural and underserved areas of Montana, Idaho, Hawaii, and Alaska.  This project is composed of four primary aims related to citizen science, science communication, student mentoring, and teacher professional development.  UM researchers and educators develop inquiry-based science lessons that will prepare students to conduct their own research projects focused on particulate matter air pollution and its effect on cardiovascular and population health.  Role:  PI.


1P20GM130418     Noonan (PI and Center Director)     4/1/20 – 2/28/25

National Institutes of Health (NIGMS)

Center for Population Health Research

The CPHR ( supports epidemiological and mathematical modeling approaches to better understand risk and resilience factors for children’s health outcomes and to translate this knowledge to disease prevention strategies that are developed for, adapted to, and tested in rural communities.

Role: Deputy Director and Director of the Intervention Support Core


Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services     Ward (PI)     7/1/19 – 6/30/24

The Montana Public Health Training Center.

The Montana Public Health Training Center provides trainings that strengthen the technical, scientific, managerial, and leadership competencies of the current and future healthcare and public health workforce in Montana through education, training and consultation services.

Role:  Executive Director


Completed Research Support

NIGMS, (2U54GM104944-06)     Sy (PI)     9/15/13 – 11/30/23

Mountain West Clinical and Translational Research Infrastructure Network IDeA-CTR-IN. 

This project supported a network to expand the capacity of 13 university partner institutions across seven states to put clinical research into practice to address regional health concerns, including access to care, cancer, obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular and infectious diseases.

Role: Director of the Community Engagement and Outreach Core.


Idaho Department of Environmental Quality     Ward (PI)     1/1/18 - 9/20/22

Implementation of the West Silver Valley Wood Smoke Education Program

For the 2017/2018, 2018/2019, and 2019/2020 school years, we utilized a modified version of our existing Research Education on Air and Cardiovascular Health (REACH) Program.  REACH is an education outreach program that provides opportunities for students to examine key components of indoor air pollution (i.e., particulate matter, radon, and carbon monoxide) in order to understand the important role of air quality in maintaining human health. REACH is designed to build STEM capacity and meet the challenges of rural, underserved school systems by bringing student-based scientific inquiry into the classroom, give students real-world experience on problems relevant to their communities and encourage young people to seek further education and careers in environmental, biomedical, and public health sciences.  For this project, REACH was modified to focus on residential wood burning, open burning and outdoor ambient air quality in the West Silver Valley, Idaho.

Role:  PI.


Idaho Department of Environmental Quality     Ward (PI)     8/1/19 - 8/31/22

Logan, Utah/Idaho Cache Valley Community Airshed Project

The Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (IDEQ) implemented an EPA Targeted Air-shed Grant for the Cache Valley PM2.5 NAA and is implementing an educational component for the project.  The education project goals were to teach Cache Valley students about air quality through the scientific method and hands-on science projects.  Specifically, the project focused on teaching the fundamentals of the PM2.5 air quality problems unique to the Cache Valley. The objectives of the program were for students to not only comprehend the science behind the Cache Valley PM2.5 problems but also inspire students to promote community changes to improve the air quality.  The Education Outreach Project was designed towards the specific air quality problems and sources of air pollution in the Cache Valley.

Role:  PI.


NIEHS, R01 (1R01ES022583)     Noonan, Belcourt and Ward (co-PIs)     6/9/14 - 2/28/21

Residential Wood Smoke Interventions Improving Health in Native American Populations.

We implemented a two-level intervention strategy (community level wood bank program and three arm randomized placebo-controlled intervention trials at the household level) to reduce exposure to indoor biomass smoke among elderly tribal members in two reservation communities. Outcomes were evaluated with respect to changes in pulmonary function measures and respiratory symptoms and conditions among household elders. 

Role:  Co-PI.


NIEHS, R01 (1R01ES022649)     Ward and Noonan (co-PIs)     6/19/14-3/31/20

Wood stove interventions and child respiratory infections in rural communities.

This project focused on three unique and underserved study areas that have demonstrated associations between wood smoke exposure and lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) among children. Within (1) rural mountain valley communities in western Montana, (2) the southwest US, and (3) rural Alaska communities, our team tested the efficacy of two intervention strategies for reducing indoor wood smoke PM2.5 exposures and children’s risk LRTI.  Our team conducted a three-arm randomized placebo-controlled post-only intervention trial in wood stove homes with children less than five years old.  Education on best-burn practices and training on the use of simple instruments was introduced as one intervention arm. This intervention was evaluated against an indoor air filtration arm and a placebo arm. The primary outcome was reduced LRTI incidence among children under five years of age.

Role:  Co-PI.  


NIEHS, R01 (1R01ES016336)     Ward and Noonan (co-PIs)     3/1/08 – 1/31/15

Indoor Wood Smoke PM and Asthma: A Randomized Trial.

This study focused on indoor air quality and clinically relevant changes in health effects among asthmatics living in homes whose primary heating sources are non EPA-certified woodstoves.  The Primary Aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of residential interventions to reduce indoor PM exposure from wood stoves and the corresponding improvements in quality of life and health outcomes for asthmatic children. 

Role:  co-PI.


NIEHS, RC1 Challenge Grant (1RC1ES018400)     Ward (PI)     9/26/09 – 6/30/12

Air Pollution Outreach, Education, and Research Capacity Building in Alaska Native Villages.

In addition to implementing the Air Toxics Under the North Star program within schools in rural Alaska Native Villages, this project identified and assessed sources of air pollution (PM2.5) and rates of respiratory diseases in children within multiple communities.  Role:  PI.


NIH, 1R25OD010511-01A1     Ward and Holian (co-PIs)     6/01/12 – 5/31/18

Training rural/underserved youth to understand and pursue scientific careers - Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA).  The overall goal of this project was to implement the Clean Air and Healthy Homes Program into rural / underserved areas of Montana, Idaho, and Alaska, educating middle and high school students and communities about air pollution, associated adverse health effects, and things they can do within their communities to improve air quality and respiratory health.  In addition, this project provided for a strong professional development program for teachers through workshops and an online Certificate in Environmental Health program.  Role:  Co-PI. 


PM2.5 Source Apportionment.

Montana Department of Environmental Quality, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, Butte-Silver Bow County, and Flathead County (MT).

Using a Chemical Mass Balance model, our laboratory has conducted PM2.5 source apportionment projects to determine the ambient sources of PM2.5 within regional airsheds.  Specifically, PM2.5 source apportionment projects have been conducted in several areas within Montana (including Missoula, Hamilton, Belgrade, Butte, Helena, Libby, Kalispell, and Whitefish), Idaho (Salmon and Pinehurst), and Fairbanks, Alaska.     Role:  PI.

Field of Study

Public Health, Environmental Health, Occupational Health and Safety, Air Pollution, and Exposure Assessment.

Selected Publications

Peer reviewed publications

  1. Ward, T.J. and Smith, G.C., 2001.  Air sampling study of the 2000 Montana wildfire season, proceedings of the 2001 Air & Waste Management Conference in Orlando, Florida (extended abstract).
  2. Ward, T.J. and Smith, G.C., 2004.  High volume PUF vs. low volume PUF sampling comparison for collecting gas plus particulate Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. Aerosol Science and Technology, 38, 972-979.
  3. Ward, T.J., Hamilton, R.F., and Smith, G.C., 2004.  The Missoula, Montana PM2.5 speciation study – seasonal average concentrations. Atmospheric Environment, 38, 6371-6379.
  4. Ward, T.J., and Smith, G.C., 2005.  The 2000/2001 Missoula Valley PM2.5 Chemical Mass Balance study, including the 2000 wildfire season – seasonal source apportionment. Atmospheric Environment, 39, 709-717.
  5. Ward, T.J., Hamilton, R.F., and Smith, G.C., 2005.  The Missoula Valley semivolatile and volatile organic compound study – seasonal average concentrations. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 55, 1007-1013.
  6. Ward, T.J., and Smith, G.C., 2005.  Vapor-phase and fine particulate matter concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons measured during the winter months in a northern Rocky Mountain urban airshed. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association55, 1327-1334.
  7. Ward, T.J., and Lincoln, E., 2006.  Concentrations of PM2.5-Associated OC, EC, and PCDD/Fs measured during the 2003 wildfire season in Missoula, Montana. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 115:  39-50.
  8. Schumpert J.C., Noonan C.W., Sylvester J., Vanek D., Ward T., and Holian A., 2006.  Patterns of asthma symptoms and perceptions of harm from seasonal atmospheric events in rural western Montana.  International Journal of Occupational Environmental Health, 12: 52-58.
  9. Ward, T.J., Rinehart, L.R., and Lange, T., 2006.  The 2003/2004 Libby, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study. Aerosol Science and Technology, 40: 166-177.
  10. Ward, T.J., Spear, T., Hart, J., Noonan, C., Holian, A., Getman, M., and Webber, J.S., 2006.  Amphibole fibers in tree bark. Science of the Total Environment, 367:1, 460-465.
  11. Ward, T.J., Hamilton, R.F., Dixon, R.W., Paulsen, M., and Simpson, C., 2006.  Characterization and evaluation of smoke tracers in PM: results from the 2003 Montana wildfire season. Atmospheric Environment, 40:7005-7017.
  12. Webber, J.S., Getman, G., and Ward, T.J., 2006.  Evidence and reconstruction of airborne asbestos from unconventional environmental samples. Inhalation Toxicology, 18: 969-973.
  13. Ward, T.J., Noonan, C.W., and Hooper, K., 2007.  Results of an indoor size fractionated PM school sampling program in Libby, MT.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 130:163-71.
  14. Noonan, C.W., and Ward, T.J., 2007.  Environmental tobacco smoke, woodstove heating and risk of asthma symptoms. Journal of Asthma, 44:735-738.
  15. Jones, D., Ward, T., Vanek, D., Marra, N., Noonan, C., Smith, G., Adams, A. 2007.  Air Toxics Under The Big Sky --  A high school science teaching tool.  Science Education & Civic Engagement:  An International Journal 1(2): 51-55.
  16. Hart, J.F., Ward, T.J., Spear, T.M., Crispen, K., and Zolnikov, T.R., 2007.  Evaluation of asbestos exposures during firewood harvesting simulations in Libby, Montana. Annals of Occupational Hygiene, 51, 8: 1-7.
  17. Bergauff, M., Ward, T., Noonan, C., and Palmer C.P., 2008.  Determination and evaluation of selected organic chemical tracers for wood smoke in airbourne particulate matter. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 88(7): 473-486.
  18. Adams, E, Ward, T., Vanek, D., Marra, N., Noonan, C., Smith, G., Jones, D., Henthorn, M., and Striebel, J.  2008.  Air Toxics Under The Big Sky:  A real-world investigation to engage high school science students. Journal of Chemical Education, 85(22): 221-224.
  19. Webber, J.S., Blake, D.J., Ward, T.J., and Pfau, J., 2008.  Separation and characterization of respirable amphibole fibers from Libby, Montana, Inhalation Toxicology, 20:733-740.
  20. Ward, T.J., Vanek, D., Marra, N., Holian, A., Adams, E., Jones, D., and Knuth R. 2008. The Big Sky Model:  A regional collaboration for participatory research on environmental health in the rural West. Journal of Higher Education Outreach & Engagement. Vol 12(3): 103-115.  NIHMS168296.
  21. Ward, T.J., Palmer, C., Bergauff, M., Hooper, K., and Noonan, C., 2008.  Results of a residential indoor PM2.5 sampling program before and after a woodstove changeout. Indoor Air, 18: 408–415.
  22. Migliaccio, C.T., Bergauff, M., Palmer, C., Jessop, F., Noonan, C., and Ward. T., 2009. Urinary levoglucosan as a biomarker of woodsmoke exposure: observations in a mouse model and in children. Environmental Health Perspectives, 117(1): 74-79.  PMCID: PMC2627869.
  23. Adams, E., Ward, T.J., Vanek, D., Marra, N., Hester, C., Knuth, R., Spangler, T., Jones, D., Henthorn, M., Hammill, B., Smith, P., Salisbury, R., Reckin, G., and Boulafentis, J., 2009.  The Big Sky Inside:  Measuring rural indoor air quality and its impact on the community. The Science Teacher, April/May, 40-45. NIHMSID: 140777.
  24. Ward, T.J., Hart, J.F., Spear, T.M., Meyer, B.J., and Webber, J.S., 2009.  Fate of Libby amphibole fibers when burning contaminated firewood. Environmental Science & Technology43(8) 2878–2883. PMCID: PMC2688714.
  25. Bergauff, M.A., Ward, T.J., Noonan, C.W., and Palmer C.P. 2009.  The effect of a woodstove changeout on ambient levels of PM2.5 and chemical tracers for woodsmoke in Libby, Montana.  Atmospheric Environment, 43, 2938-2943. PMCID: PMC2735050.
  26. Ward, T.J., Hamilton, R.F., Underberg, H., Adams, E., and Jones, D., 2009.  Indoor/ambient residential air toxics results in western Montana. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 153(1), 119-126. PMCID:PMC2765656.
  27. Ward, T.J., Palmer, C.P., Houck, J.E., Navidi, W.C., Geinitz, S., and Noonan, C.W., 2009.  A community woodstove changeout and impact on ambient concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.  Environmental Science & Technology, 43(14), 5345–5350.  PMCID: PMC2735050.
  28. Hart, J.F., Spear, T.M., Ward, T.J., Baldwin, C. E., Salo, M.N., and Elashheb, M.I., 2009. An evaluation of the potential exposure to asbestiform amphiboles near a former vermiculite mine.  Journal of Environmental and Public Health, Article ID 189509, 10 pages. PMCID: PMC2799270.
  29. Bergauff, M.A., Ward, T.J., Noonan, C.W., Migliaccio, C.T., Simpson, C.D., Evanoski, A.R., and Palmer, C.P., 2010.  Urinary levoglucosan as a biomarker for wood smoke: results of human exposure studies.  Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 20(4):385-392.  NIHMSID 168348.
  30. Holian, A., Stock, A., Migliaccio, C., Noonan, C., and Ward, T., 2010.  Conference Summary:  International Biomass Smoke Health Effects (IBSHE). Inhalation Toxicology, 22(2):91-93.
  31. Morandi, M., and Ward, T., 2010.  Biomass smoke risk assessment:  defining the questions.  Inhalation Toxicology, 22(2):94-98.
  32. Ward, T. and Lange T., 2010. The impact of wood smoke on ambient PM2.5 in northern Rocky Mountain valley communities.  Environmental Pollution, 158(3):723-9. Epub 2009 Nov 7.
  33. Crispen, K. L., Gillespie, D. N., Weiler, E. C., Noonan, C. W., Hamilton, R. F., and Ward, T. J., 2010.  A comparison of 1978 and 2006 peak pollen seasons and sampling methods in Missoula, Montana. Grana, 49(2): 128–133.
  34. Ward, T. J., Palmer, C. P., and Noonan, C. W., 2010, PM2.5 source apportionment following a large woodstove changeout program in Libby, Montana.  Journal of the Air and Waste Management Association, 60: 688-693.
  35. Gibson, M.D., Ward, T.J., Guernsey, J.R., Wheeler, A.J., Seaboyer, M., King, G.H., and Stieb, D.M., 2010. Wood smoke source apportionment and home infiltration study in the Rural Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia, Canada. Conference proceedings of the 103rd Air & Waste Management’s Annual Conference & Exhibition, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. June 22-25, 2010.
  36. Ward, T.J., Boulafentis, J., Simpson, J., Hester, C., Moliga, T., Warden, K., and Noonan, C.W., 2011. Results of the Nez Perce woodstove changeout program. Science of the Total Environment, 409, 664-670.
  37. Marra, N., Vanek, D., Hester, C., Holian, A., Ward, T., Adams, E., Knuth, R., 2011. Evolution of the Air Toxics Under the Big Sky program. Journal of Chemical Education, 88(4):397–401. 
  38. Hart, J.F., Ward, T.J., Spear, T.M., Rossi, R., Holland, N., and Loushin, B., 2011.  Evaluating the effectiveness of a commercial portable air purifier in homes with wood burning stoves - a preliminary study. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, Volume 2011, Article ID 324809, 1-7.
  39. Wheeler A.J., Gibson M.D., Ward T., Allen R.W., Guernsey J.R., Seaboyer M., Kutcha J., Gould R. and Stieb, D.M., 2011. Reductions in residential wood smoke concentrations and infiltration efficiency using electrostatic air cleaner interventions. Indoor Air conference proceedings, Austin, TX.  June 5-10, 2011.
  40. McNamara, M.L., Noonan, C.W., and Ward, T.J., 2011.  Correction factor for continuous monitoring of wood smoke fine particulate matter. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 11, 315-322. NIHMSID: 344195
  41. Vanek, D., Marra, N., Hester, C., Ware, D. Holian, A., Ward, T., Knuth, R., and Adams, E., 2011.  The power of the symposium – impacts from students’ perspectives. The Rural Educator, spring 2011, 20-26.
  42. Ward, T.J., Palmer, C.P., Bergauff, M., Jayanty, R.K.M., Noonan, C.W., 2011.  Organic/elemental carbon and woodsmoke tracer concentrations following a community wide woodstove changeout program. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 5554-5560.
  43. Ward, T.J., 2011.  Life in academia.  Environmental Manager, July 2011.
  44. Elashheb, M.I., Spear, T.M., Hart, J.F., Webber, J.S., and Ward, T.J., 2011.  Libby amphibole contamination in tree bark surrounding historical vermiculite processing facilities. Journal of Environmental Protection, 2, 1062-1068.
  45. McNamara, M.L., Semmens, E., Gaskill, S., Palmer, C., Noonan, C., and Ward, T., 2011.  Base camp personnel exposure to particulate matter during wildland fire suppression activities. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene, 9: 149-156.
  46. Noonan, C.W., Ward, T.J., Navidi, W., Sheppard, L., 2012. A rural community intervention targeting biomass combustion sources: effects on air quality and reporting of children’s respiratory outcomes. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 69, 354-360; doi:10.1136/oemed-2011-100394.
  47. Ward, T.J., Spear, T.M., Hart, J.F., Webber, J.S., and Elashheb, M.I., 2012.  Amphibole asbestos in tree bark – a review of findings for this inhalational exposure source in Libby, Montana. Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene, 9: 387–397.
  48. Ward, T.J., Trost, B., Conner, J., Flanagan, J., and Jayanty, R.K.M., 2012.  PM2.5 source apportionment in a subarctic airshed - Fairbanks, Alaska.  Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 12, 536-543.
  49. Noonan, C.W., Navidi, W., Sheppard, L., Palmer, C.P., Bergauff, M., Hooper, K., and Ward, T.J., 2012. Residential indoor PM2.5 in wood stove homes: follow-up of the Libby changeout program. Indoor Air, DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0668.2012.00790.x NIHMSID: 380310.
  50. Noonan, C.W. and Ward, T.J., 2012.  Asthma randomized trial of indoor wood smoke (ARTIS): Rationale and Methods. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 33, 1080-1087. NIHMSID: 389296.
  51. Ward, T.J., 2012.  Source apportionment studies focused on wood smoke in the Northern Rockies and Fairbanks, Alaska.  Proceedings of the 2012 Air & Waste Management Association’s Aerosol and Atmospheric Optics, Visibility & Air Pollution Conference, Whitefish, MT (extended abstract).
  52. Migliaccio, C.T., Kobos, E., Porter, V., Jessop, F., and Ward, T.J., 2013.  Adverse effects of wood smoke PM(2.5) exposure on macrophage functions.  Inhalation Toxicology, Volume 25, Number 2: pp. 67-76. PubMed# 23363038, NIHMSID: 759347.
  53. McNamara, M.D., Thornburg, J., Semmens, E.O., Ward, T.J., and Noonan, C.W., 2013.  Coarse particulate matter and airborne endotoxin within wood stove homes, Indoor Air, 23(6), 498-505. NIHMSID: 716816, PMC: 4556095.
  54. Ware, D., Lewis, J., Hopkins, S., Boyer, B., Noonan, C., and Ward, T. 2013. Sources and perceptions of indoor and ambient air pollution in rural Alaska. Journal of Community Health, 38, 4:773-780.
  55. Ward, T.J., Palmer, C.P., Hooper, K., Bergauff, M., Noonan, C.W., 2013. The impact of a community-wide woodstove changeout intervention on air quality within two schools. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 4:238-244.
  56. Jahn, H.J., Kraemer, A., Chen, X.C., Chan, C.Y., Guenter Engling, G., Ward, T.J., 2013.  Ambient and personal PM2.5 exposure assessment in the Chinese megacity of Guangzhou. Atmospheric Environment 74: 402-411.
  57. Ferguson, M., Migliaccio, C., and Ward, T., 2013.  Comparison of how ambient PMc and PM2.5 influence the inflammatory potential.  Inhalation Toxicology, 25(14):766-773.
  58. Montrose, L., Brown, T., Ferguson, M., Moroney, M., and Ward, T.J., 2013.  How to have a successful AWMA student chapter.  Environmental Manager (EM), December 2013.
  59. Ware, D.N, Lewis, J., Hopkins, S., Boyer, B., Montrose, L., Noonan, C.W., Semmens, E.O., and Ward, T.J., 2014. Household reporting of childhood respiratory health and air pollution in rural Alaska Native communities. International Journal of Circumpolar Health, 73:24324.
  60. Ward, T.J., 2014.  Residential wipe sampling results from the Summer 2011 Las Conchas (New Mexico) wildfire.  Intermountain Journal of Sciences, in press.
  61. Wheeler, A.J., Gibson, M.D., MacNeill, M., Ward, T.J., Wallace, L.A., Kuchta, J., Seaboyer, M., Dabek-Zlotorzynska, E., Guernsey, J.R., and Stieb, D.M., 2014.  Impacts of air cleaners on indoor air quality in residences impacted by wood smoke, Environ. Sci. Technol., 48:12157−12163.
  62. Noonan, C.W., Ward, T.J., and Semmens, E.O., 2014.  Estimating the number of vulnerable people in the
United States exposed to residential wood smoke, Environmental Health Perspectives, 122(8), 806-810. PMCID: P4123020.
  63. Gibson, M. D., Haelssig, J., Pierce, J. R., Parrington, M., Franklin, J. E., Hopper, J. T., Li, Z., and Ward, T. J., 2015. A comparison of four receptor models used to quantify the boreal wildfire smoke contribution to surface PM2.5 in Halifax, Nova Scotia during the BORTAS-B experiment.  Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15:815–827.
  64. Montrose, L., Noonan, C., Cho, Y.H., Lee, J., Harley, J., O’Hara, T., Cahill, C., and Ward, T.J., 2015.  Evaluating the effect of ambient particulate pollution on DNA methylation in Alaskan sled dogs: Potential applications for a sentinel model of human health.  Science of the Total Environment, 512-513: 489-494.
  65. Weiler, E., Semmens, E., Noonan, C., Cady, C., and Ward, T., 2015.  Dust allergens within rural northern Rocky Mountain residences.  Jacobs Journal of Allergy and Immunology, 2(1), 011. NIHMSID: 674967.
  66. Semmens, E.O, Noonan, C.W., Allen, R.W., Weiler, E.C., and Ward, T.J., 2015.  Indoor particulate matter in rural, wood stove heated homes, Environmental Research, 138, 93-100.  NIHMSID: 661512
  67. Ward, T.J, Semmens, E.O., Weiler, E, Harrar, S, and Noonan, C.W., 2015.  Efficacy of interventions targeting household air pollution from residential wood stoves, Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 2015 (1-8) doi:10.1038/jes.2015.73.
  68. Busby, B.D., Ward, T.J., Turner, J.R., Palmer, C.P., 2016.  Comparison and evaluation of methods to apportion ambient PM2.5 to residential wood heating in Fairbanks, AK.  Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16: 492–503.
  69. Sankaranarayanan, L., Semmens, E.O., Noonan, C.W., and Ward, T.J., 2016.  Urinary levoglucosan as a biomarker for residential wood smoke exposure, International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 96(2), 137-147.
  70. Ferguson, M.D., Semmens, E.O., Dumke, C., Quindry, J.C., and Ward, T.J., 2016.  Measured pulmonary and systemic markers of inflammation and oxidative stress following wildland firefighter simulations, Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 58(4): 407-413.  NIHMSID 751478.
  71. Ward, T.J., Delaloye, N., Adams, R.A., Ware, D., Vanek, D., Knuth, R., Hester, C.L., Marra, N.N., & Holian, A., (2016).  Air Toxics Under the Big Sky: Examining the effectiveness of authentic scientific research on high school students’ science skills and interest.  International Journal of Science Education38(6), 905–921.
  72. Delaloye, N., Adams, E., Hester, C., Ware, D., Vanek, D., Holian, A., and Ward, T.J., 2016.  The Clean Air and Healthy Homes Program:  A model for authentic science learning, Science Education and Civic Engagement, 8(2), summer 2016.
  73. Chen, X.-C., Jahn, H.J., Engling, G., Ward, T.J., Kraemer, A., Ho, K.-F., and Chan, C.-Y., 2017.  Characterization of ambient-generated exposure to fine particles using sulfate as a tracer in the Chinese megacity of Guangzhou, Science of the Total Environment, 580:  347-357.   
  74. Montrose, L., Ward, T.J., Semmens, E.O., Cho, Y.H., Brown, B., Noonan, and C.W., 2017.  Dietary intake is associated with respiratory health outcomes and DNA methylation in asthmatic children, Allergy, Asthma & Clinical Immunology, 13:12.
  75. McNamara, M., Thornburg, J., Semmens, E.O., Ward, T.J., and Noonan, C.W.  2017.  Reducing indoor air pollutants with air filtration units in wood stove homes, Science of the Total Environment, 592: 488-494.
  76. Ferguson, M.D., Semmens, E.O., Weiler, E., Dimitrovich, J., French, M., Migliaccio, C., Palmer, C., Dumke, C., and Ward, 2017.  T.  Lung function measures following a wildland firefighter controlled exposure study, Journal of Occupational & Environmental Hygiene, 14(9): 739-748.
  77. Noonan, C.W., Semmens, E.O., Smith, P., Harrar, S.W., L., Montrose, Weiler, E., McNamara, M., and Ward, T.J., 2017.  Randomized trial of interventions in wood stove homes to improve childhood asthma, Environmental Health Perspectives, 125(9): 097010-1-097010-9.
  78. Chen, X.-C., Jahn, H.J., Engling, G., Ward, T.J., Krämer, A., Ho, K.-F., Yim, S.H.L., and Chan, C.-Y., 2017.  Chemical characterization and sources of personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in the megacity of Guangzhou, China.  Environmental Pollution, 231: 871-881.
  79. Delaloye, N., Blank, L., Ware, D., Hester, C., Ward, T., Holian, A., and Adams, E., 2018.  Evaluating the impact of authentic research on secondary student self-efficacy and future scientific possible selves, International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 13(9):  737-746.
  80. Sood, A., Assad, N.A., Barnes, P.J., Churg, A., Gordon, S.B., Harrod, K.S., Irshad, H., Kurmi, O.P., Martin II, W.J., Meek, P., Mortimer, K., Noonan, C.W., Perez-Padilla, R., Smith, K.R., Tesfaigzi, Y., Ward, T., and Balmes, J., 2018.  ERS/ATS workshop report on respiratory health effects of household air pollution.  European Respiratory Journal, 51: 1700698.
  81. Chen, X.-C., Ward, T.J., Cao, J.-J., Lee, S.-C., Chow, J.C., Lau, G.N.C., Yim, S.H.L., and Ho, K.-F., 2018.  Determinants of personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in adult subjects in Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment, 628-629: 1165-1177.   
  82. Peters B, Ballmann C, Quindry T, Zehner, E., McCroskey J, Ferguson M, Ward T, Dumke C, and Quindry J., 2019.  Experimental woodsmoke exposure during exercise and blood oxidative stress. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 60(12): 1073–1081.
  83. Chen, X.-C., Chow, J.C., Ward, T.J., Cao, J.-J., Lee, S.-C., Watson, J.G., Lau, N.-C., Yim, S.H.L., and Ho, K.-F., 2019a.  Estimation of personal exposure to fine particles (PM2.5) of ambient origin for healthy adults in Hong Kong.  Science of the Total Environment, 654: 514-524.
  84. Chen, X.-C., Ward, T.J., Cao, J.-J., Lee, S.-C., Lau, N.-C., Yim, S.H.L., and Ho, K.-F., 2019b. Source identification of personal exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) among adult residents of Hong Kong. Atmospheric Environment, 218: 116999, 1-14.
  85. Noonan, C.W., Semmens, E.O., Ward, D., Smith, P., Boyer B.B., Erdei, E, Hopkins S.E., Lewis, J, and Ward, T.J., 2020. Wood stove interventions and child respiratory infections in rural communities: KidsAir rationale and methods. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 89: 105909, 1-7.
  86. Chen, X.-C, Jahn, H.J., Ward, T.J., Ho, H.C., Luo, M., Engling, G., and Kraemer, A., 2020a. Characteristics and determinants of personal exposure to PM2.5 mass and components in adult subjects in the megacity of Guangzhou, China.  Atmospheric Environment, 224: 117295, 1-14.
  87. Chen, X.-C, Chuang, H.-C., Ward, T.J., Tian, L., Cao, J.-J, Ho, S.S.-H., Lau, N.-C., Hsiao, T.-C., Yim, S.H.L., and Ho., K.-F., 2020b.  Indoor, outdoor, and personal exposure to PM2.5 and their bioreactivity among healthy residents of Hong Kong.  Environmental Research, 188: 109780, 1-13.
  88. Chen, X.-C, Cao, J.-J, Ward, T.J., Tian, L.-W, Ning, Z., Gali, N.K., Aquilina, N.J., Yim, S.H.-L., Qu, L., and Ho, K.-F., 2020c. Characteristics and toxicological effects of commuter exposure to black carbon and metal components of fine particles (PM2.5) in Hong Kong.  Science of the Total Environment, 742: 140501, 1-12.
  89. Chen, X.-C., Chuang, H.-C., Ward, T.J., Sarkar, C., Webster, C., Cao, J., Hsiao, T.-C., and Ho, K.-F., 2021. Toxicological effects of personal exposure to fine particles in adult residents of Hong Kong.  Environmental Pollution, 275: 116633.   
  90. Walker, E.S., Noonan, C.W., Semmens, E.O., Ware, D., Smith, P., Boyer, B.B., Erdei, E., Hopkins, S.E., Lewis, J., Belcourt, A., and Ward, T.J., 2021.  Indoor fine particulate matter and demographic, household, and wood stove characteristics among rural US homes heated with wood fuel.  Indoor Air, 31(4): 1109-1124.  
  91. Taylor, B., Jones, D., Hester, C., Kiley, A., Coe, M., and Ward, T., 2021.  The REACH program brings science practices to students: a teacher’s perspective.  Connected Science Learning, 3(6).
  92. Chen, X.-C., Ward, T.J., Ho, K.-F., Sarkar, C., and Webster, C., 2021. Characteristics and health risks of personal exposure to particle-bound PAHs for Hong Kong adult residents: From ambient pollution to indoor exposure.  Indoor Air, 32: 12956.
  93. Chen, X., Ward, T.J., Sarkar, C., Ho, K.-F., and Webster, C., 2022.  Health risks of adults in Hong Kong related to inhalation of particle-bound heavy metal(loid)s.  Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 15: 691–706.
  94. Walker, E. S., Semmens, E.O., Belcourt, A., Boyer, B.B., Erdei, E., Graham, J., Hopkins, S.E., Lewis, J.L., Smith, P.G., Ware, D., Weiler, E., Ward, T.J., and Noonan, C.W., 2022.  Efficacy of air filtration and education interventions on indoor fine particulate matter and child lower respiratory tract infections among rural US homes heated with wood stoves: results from the KidsAIR randomized trial.  Environmental Health Perspectives, 130(4).
  95. Walker, E.S., Noonan, C.W., Belcourt, A., Boulafentis, J., Garcia, C., Graham, J., Hoskie, N., Quintana, E., Semmens, E.O., Simpson, J., Smith, P., Teasley, H., Ware, D., Weiler, E., and Ward, T.J., 2022.  Efficacy of air filtration and education interventions on fine particulate matter among rural Native American homes heated with wood stoves: results from the EldersAIR randomized trial.  Science of the Total Environment, 843: 157029.
  96. Kiley, A., Jones, D., Hester, C., Coe, M., and Ward, T., 2022.  The science symposium: a substantive alternative assessment.  The Science Teacher, 90(1): 42-47.
  97. Chen, J., Jahn, H.J., Sun, H.Z., Ning, Z., Lu, W., Ho. K.F., and Ward, T.J., 2022.  Validity of using ambient concentrations as surrogate exposures at the individual level for fine particle and black carbon: a systematic review and meta-analysis.  Environmental Pollution, 312: 120030.
  98. Chen, J., Ward, T.J., Ho, S.S-H., and Ho, K.F., 2022.  Occurrence and risk assessment of personal PM2.5-bound phthalates exposure for adults in Hong Kong.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19: 13425.
  99. Jones, D., Kiley, A., Coe, M., Ward, T., and Hester, C., 2023.  Local application of scientific research practices builds student engagement in science and environmental health.  Journal of STEM Outreach, 6(1): 1-8.
  100.  Coe, M., Jones, J., Kiley, A., Hester, C., and Ward, T., 2023.  Learning from COVID-19:  research education in troubling times.  School Science and Mathematics, 123(6): 265-277.
  101. Noonan, C.W., Walker, E.S., Semmens, E.O, Belcourt, A, Boulafentis, J, Garcia, C., Graham, J., Hoskie, N., Quintana, E., Simpson, J., Smith, P., Teasley, H., Ware, D., Weiler, E., and Ward, T.J., 2023.  Randomized trial in rural Native American homes heated with wood stoves: results from the EldersAIR study.  Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health,– DOI: 10.1007/s11869-023-01492-0.


Technical reports

  1. Ward, T.J., Holian, A., Butterfield, P., Rockafellow, R.  Development of a chronic disease registry to improve the health of Montanans: feasibility issues and recommendations for implementation, Submitted to Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services, August 15, 2002.
  2. Ward, T.J., The Libby, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study.  Submitted to Montana Department of Environmental Quality, January 11, 2005.
  3. Ward, T.J., Baseline ambient concentrations of Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and selected phenolics before a woodstove changeout program in Libby, Montana (Winter 2004/2005).  Submitted to the Hearth, Patio, and Barbeque Association, May 25, 2005.
  4. Ward, T.J., Ambient concentrations of Polycylic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and phenolics measured before and during a woodstove changeout program in Libby, Montana (Winters of 2004/2005 and 2005/2006).  Submitted to the Hearth, Patio, and Barbeque Association, May 19, 2006.
  5. Ward, T.J.  Ambient Concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and phenolic compounds measured before and during a woodstove changeout program in Libby, Montana (winter of 2006/2007).  Submitted to the Hearth, Patio, and Barbeque Association, May 29, 2007.
  6. Ward, T.J.  The Hamilton, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study.  Submitted to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, August 1, 2007.
  7. Ward, T.J.  The Missoula, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study.  Submitted to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, August 31, 2007.
  8. Ward, T.J., The North Fork road ambient particulate matter research study.  Submitted to North Fork Road Coalition for Health and Safety (NFRCHS), January 15, 2008.
  9. Ward, T.J., Ambient concentrations of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and phenolic compounds measured before, during, and after a woodstove changeout program in Libby, Montana.  Submitted to the Hearth, Patio, and Barbecue Association, May 16, 2008.
  10. Ward, T.J., Incorporating environmental health measures into the Nez Perce Tribe Air Quality Project.  Submitted to the Nez Perce Tribe, Environmental Restoration & Waste Management Program, July 31, 2008.
  11. Ward, T.J.  The Belgrade, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study.  Submitted to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, August 31, 2008.
  12. Ward, T.J.  The Butte, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study.  Submitted to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, August 31, 2008.
  13. Ward, T.J.  The Hamilton, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study.  Submitted to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, August 31, 2008.
  14. Ward, T.J.  The Helena, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study.  Submitted to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, August 31, 2008.
  15. Ward, T.J.  Measurable outcomes of a woodstove changeout on the Nez Perce Reservation.  Submitted to the Nez Perce Tribe’s Environmental Restoration & Waste Management (ERWM) Division, August 17, 2009.
  16. Ward, T.J.  The Kalispell, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study.  Submitted to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, August 31, 2009.
  17. Ward, T.J.  The Fairbanks, Alaska PM2.5 source apportionment research study.  Submitted to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, June 15, 2010.
  18. Noonan, C.W., Ward, T.J., Navidi, W., Sheppard, L., Bergauff, M., and Palmer, C., 2011.  Assessing the Impact of a Wood Stove Replacement Program on Air Quality and Children’s Health. Health Effects Institute Research Report, No. 162, December 2011. 
  19. Ward, T.J.  The Fairbanks, Alaska PM2.5 source apportionment research study (winters of 2008/2009).  Submitted to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, June 15, 2010.
  20. Noonan, C.W., Ward, T.J., Navidi, W., Sheppard, L., Bergauff, M., and Palmer, C., 2011.  Assessing the Impact of a Wood Stove Replacement Program on Air Quality and Children’s Health. Health Effects Institute (HEI) Research Report, No. 162, December 2011.
  21. Ward, T.J.  Residential wipe sampling results from the summer 2011 Las Conchas fire.  Submitted to Loss Recovery Services, June 27, 2012.
  22. Ward, T.J.  The impact of forest fire smoke on the indoor environment.  Submitted to Loss Recovery Services, July 4, 2012.   
  23. Ward, T.J.  The Fairbanks, Alaska PM2.5 source apportionment research study (winters of 2009/2010 and 2010/2011).  Submitted to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, July 23, 2012.
  24. Ward, T.J.  Napaskiak, Alaska.  Air Quality and Respiratory Health Surveys, Results and Summary.  Submitted to the Village of Napaskiak Tribal Council, July 2012.
  25. Ward, T.J.  Tununak, Alaska.  Air Quality and Respiratory Health Surveys, Results and Summary.  Submitted to the Village of Tununak Tribal Council, July 2012.
  26. Ward, T.J.  Quinhagak, Alaska.  Air Quality and Respiratory Health Surveys, Results and Summary.  Submitted to the Village of Quinhagak Tribal Council, July 2012.
  27. Ward, T.J.  Air Quality and Respiratory Health Surveys, Results and Summary.  Submitted to the Chistochina Tribal Council, August 2012.
  28. Ward, T.J.  Gakona, Alaska.  Air Quality and Respiratory Health Surveys, Results and Summary.  Submitted to the Gakona Tribal Council, August 2012.
  29. Ward, T.J.  Gulkana, Alaska.  Air Quality and Respiratory Health Surveys, Results and Summary.  Submitted to the Gulkana Tribal Council August 2012.
  30. Ward, T.J.  Tazlina, Alaska.  Air Quality and Respiratory Health Surveys, Results and Summary.  Submitted to the Tazlina Tribal Council, August 2012.
  31. Ward, T.J.  The Fairbanks, Alaska PM2.5 source apportionment research study state building (winters of 2005/2006, 2006/2007, and 2007/2008) and winter 2011/2012 (State Building, North Pole, NCORE, RAMS, and NPF3). Final Report, Submitted to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, July 23, 2012.
  32. Ward, T.J.  The Butte, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study (winter 2012/2013), submitted to the Montana Department of Environmental Quality, July 1, 2013.
  33. Ward, T.J.  The Fairbanks, Alaska PM2.5 source apportinoment study.  Winters 2005/2006-2012/2013, and Summer 2012.  Final Report, Amendments 6 and 7, Submitted to the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, December 24, 2013.
  1. Ward, T.J.  The Butte, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study (summer 2013), submitted to the Butte Silver Bow Health Department, January 4, 2014.
  2. Seccomb, P.  Summary Report, Tubb Gulch asbestos study.  Libby, Montana, submitted to the United States Forest Service, April 29, 2016.
  3. Ward, T.J.  Review of the report entitled “Butte, Montana PM2.5 Source Apportionment Study:  Tailings Impact Assessment”, submitted to Bison Engineering, June 30, 2014.
  4. Ward, T.J.  The Pinehurst, Idaho PM2.5 source apportionment research study, submitted to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, June, 2016.
  5. Ward, T.J.  The Whitefish, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study, submitted to the Flathead (MT) Health Department, June, 2016.
  6. Ward, T.J.  The Salmon, Idaho PM2.5 source apportionment research study, submitted to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, May, 2017.
  7. Ward, T.J.  The West Silver Valley (ID) Outreach Plan, submitted to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, January, 2019.
  8. Ward, T.J., and Cory, Allison.  Cache Valley community survey on air pollution sources,  communication on air quality issues and current practices and related programs to mitigate air quality problems, submitted to the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, December 19, 2019.
  9. Ward, T.J.  The Butte, Montana PM2.5 source apportionment research study, submitted to the Butte Silver Bow Health Department, October 25, 2020.
  10. Ho, K.F., Kwok T.C-Yui., Ward, T., and Pun, V.C.,  Personal and ambient exposure to chemical composition of PM2.5 and PMcoarse and change of lung functions and biomarkers for inflammatory and oxidative stress in elderly residents of Hong Kong,  submitted to the Hong Kong Research Fund Secretariat of the Health Bureau, Health and Medical Research Fund, March 2024.


Program Affiliate – Department of Public Administration and Policy

Professional Experience

1994-1996  Air Quality Specialist, Tenerx Corporation, Houston, TX.

1996-1997  Air Quality Specialist, ICF Kaiser Engineers, Houston, TX.

2000-2001  Air Quality Specialist, Bison Engineering, Missoula, MT.

       2001-2002  Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Montana, Center for Environmental Health Sciences (CEHS).

2002–2003  Air Quality Specialist, MFG, Inc., Missoula, MT and Seattle, WA.

       2003-2005  Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Montana, CEHS.

       2005-2009  Research Assistant Professor, The University of Montana, CEHS.

       2010-2012  Assistant Professor, The University of Montana, CEHS.

       2012-2017  Associate Professor, The University of Montana, School of Public and Community Health Sciences.

       2017-Current  Professor, The University of Montana, School of Public and Community Health Sciences.

       2016-Current  Chair, The University of Montana, School of Public and Community Health Sciences.

International Experience

Our teams have participated in research projects in Canada (Nova Scotia), China (Guangzhou), Hong Kong, and New Zealand.

Honors / Awards

2001      The University of Montana, Bertha Morton Scholarship (outstanding graduate student).

2007      3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award.

2008      3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award.

2009      3M Non-Tenured Faculty Award.

2009      Outstanding Research, School of Public and Community Health Sciences, Univ. Montana.

2010      Air & Waste Management Association (PNWIS) Lab Coat Award (for contributions to laboratory and ambient sampling technology).

2010      Montana Environmental Health Association, Distinguished Service Award.

2011      Merit Award, University of Montana.

2011      Golden Key International Honour Society Honorary Member.

2012      Fulbright Specialist Scholarship Award, Bielefeld University (Germany), summer 2012.

2013      Named to CNA Classes, List of Top Public Health Professors & Administrators.

2015      Merit Award, University of Montana.

2017      Merit Award, University of Montana

2021      Merit Award, University of Montana

2023      Nominated for Regents Professor

External Advisor


Michael Coe
President, Cedar Lake Research Group, LLC
Portland, Oregon