Our Vision and Mission

Advancing Healthier People, Places and Policies

Developmental adversity is those adversities, traumas, and significant stressors sufficient to alter the brain, body, or developmental trajectory as well as psychosocial processes, such as attachment. Developmental adversity accounts for a significant portion of poor physical, mental, behavioral, and relational health outcomes at the population level, as well as demand for social and health services.

At the DART Lab, we envision a world where future generations experience far less developmental adversity than the past generations, and as a result, enjoy better health, stronger social connections, and greater capacity to shape the world in positive, productive ways. 

A vanguard in the field, the DART Lab builds capacity to:

  • Prevent developmental adversity
  • Interrupt progression of adversity over the lifespan
  • End intergenerational transmission of developmental adversity and its sequelae

Our work centers community and partnership to surface questions that matter, strengthen community engagement, connect thought leaders, and conduct leading edge research.


Building on the science of systems dynamics, the DART Lab utilizes the systems thinking iceberg for strategic visioning, research, and partnership. In complex systems, including communities, school districts, social services, and health care, much of what is driving outcomes is “below the surface”—out of view. As a result, the most typical policy actions and practice moves focus on the least powerful elements, including expanding access to existing programs or modifying behavior through professional development. The illustration below reflects the DART Lab approach to multi-level dynamic systems intervention science.

We believe in high leverage activity, and so we begin at the bottom of the iceberg, with clearly articulated values that shape our projects, including the questions we ask, the way we partner with communities, and the research ethics we rely on. We also believe in examining behaviors and patterns, continuously expanding perspectives and thought partners to ensure we understand what is actually happening.

Photo of iceberg as conceptual framework. From bottom to top: DART values, DART mental models, DART structures, Resulting Patterns, and Expected Behaviors.