Our Emeritus

Margaret Beebe-Frankenberger

Associate Professor of Psychology


Skaggs Bldg 204
(406) 243-6883

Personal Summary

As an applied psychologist working within school organizations, my work has been focused on the identification of and program planning for children with disabilities that impede their academic and/or social competence. More recently, my work has expanded to include promoting educators in their efforts to build a continuum of educational and emotional/behavioral programs that support all students.  Current research: designing a collaboration model for Response-To-Instruction (RTI); social validity of RTI systems; and early detectors of and interventions for reading and math problems. I serve as a consultant to districts/schools who are implementing an RTI framework to better serve students and their families. Working side-by-side with educators and administrators in the schools is rewarding and further informs me as a trainer of future school-psychologists.


Ph.D. University of California, Riverside, 2000
B.A. University of California, Riverside, 1996

Courses Taught

Psyx 680 Consultation and Collaboration

Psyx 580 Principles & Practices of Professional School Psychology

Psyx 583 Academic Assessment and Intervention

Psyx 587 School Psychology Methods

Psyx 588 School Psychology Internship

Teaching Experience

Psyx 580 Principles & Practices of Professional School Psychology

Psyx 680 Consultation and Collaboration

Psyx 583 Academic Assessment and Interventions

Psyx 587 School Psychology Methods (Practicum)

Psyx 588 School Psychology Internship

Research Interests

School Psychology, Systems Change, Psycho-educational Evaluation, Social Validity, Treatment Integrity/Fidelity, Early Intervention, Research Methods and Statistics

Selected Publications

O€™Connor, R., Bocian, K.L., Beebe-Frankenberger, M. & Linklater, D (2010).  Responsiveness of students with language difficulties to early intervention in reading. The Journal of Special Education, 43(4) 220-235.

Mahdavi, J.N. & Beebe-Frankenberger, M. (2009).  Pioneering RTI Systems That Work: Social Validity, Collaboration, and Context. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(2), 64-72.

Beebe-Frankenberger, M. (2008). Best practices in the delivery of school psychological services in rural schools. In Grimes, J. & Thomas, A (Eds.), Best practices in school psychology V., Ch. 112, pp. 1785-1808. Washington, D.C.: National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

Sheridan, S., Beebe-Frankenberger, M., Greff, K., Lasser, J. and Lines, C.L. (2007). Back to the future:  The futures task force on family-school partnerships. Communique, 36(3), 17-18.

Beebe-Frankenberger, M., Lane, K.L., Bocian, K.M., Gresham, F.M., & MacMillan, D.L. (2005). Students with or at risk for problem behavior: Betwixt and between teacher and parent expectations. Preventing School Failure, 49 (2), 10-17.

Gresham, F.M., Lane, K.L., & Beebe-Frankenberger, M. (2005). Predictors of hyperactive-impulsive-inattention and conduct problems: A comparative follow-back investigation. Psychology in the Schools, 42 (7), 721-736.

Beebe-Frankenberger, M., Bocian, K.L., MacMillan, D.L. & Gresham, F.M. (2004). Sorting second grade students with academic deficiencies: Characteristics differentiating those retained in grade from those promoted to third grade. Journal of Educational Psychology, 96 (2) 204-215.


Beebe-Frankenberger, M. (2007).  Guidelines for the Implementation of Response-to-Instruction/ Intervention. A manual developed for the State of Montana, Office of Public Instruction for the purpose of helping education agencies and school administrators self-evaluate readiness for and implementation of the Response-to-Instruction/Intervention process for school improvement.

Lane, K.L. & Beebe-Frankenberger, M. (2004). School-Based Interventions: The Tools You Need to Succeed. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon Publishers. Lambros, K.M., Beebe-Frankenberger, M.E., & McLaughlin, V. (2001). Instruction Manual: Interventions for students with or at-risk for emotional and behavioral disorders. Allyn-Bacon: New York, N.Y.


American Psychology Association (APA) -Division 16, School Psychology

National Association of School Psychologists

Council for Exceptional Children

Montana Association of School Psychologists

Specialized Skills

School Psychology