Experimental Psychology Faculty

Stephanie Dimitroff, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Social Psychology


SB 370
(406) 243-5775
(406) 243-6366
Office Hours

Office Hours: Wednesdays 1-3PM, or by appointment (+after class chats)


Personal Summary

I am planning on taking at least one graduate student for Fall 2024.

Check out the BOSS Lab website for more details about my research: www.thebosslab.weebly.com 


Ph.D., Psychology (Concentration: Integrative Neuroscience), University of Chicago, 2018

M.A., Psychology (Concentration: Integrative Neuroscience), University of Chicago, 2015

B.A., Psychology (Minor: Interdisciplinary Life Sciences), McGill University, 2013


Courses Taught

PSYX-360 Social Psychology


Faig, K.E., Necka, E.A., Smith, K.E., Dimitroff, S.J., & Norman, G.J. (2023). Resting parasympathetic activity is associated with malodor-induced change in perceived foreignness of speakers. Brain and Behavior, in press.

Smith, K. E., Graf, E., Faig, K. E., Dimitroff, S. J., Rockwood, F., Hernandez, M. W., & Norman, G. J. (2023). Perceived control, loneliness, early-life stress, and parents’ perceptions of stress. Scientific Reports13(1), 13037.

Dimitroff, S. J., Würfel, L., Meier, M., Faig, K., Benz, A., Denk, B., Bentele, U. U., Unternaehrer, E., & Pruessner, J. C. (2023). Estimation of antibody levels after COVID-19 vaccinations: Preliminary evidence for immune interoception. Biological Psychology182, 108636.

Gaertner, R. J., Kossmann, K. E., Benz, A. B., Bentele, U. U., Meier, M., Denk, B. F., Klink, E. S. C., Dimitroff, S. J. & Pruessner, J. C. (2023). Relaxing effects of virtual environments on the autonomic nervous system indicated by heart rate variability: A systematic review. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 102035.

Benz, A. B., Dimitroff, S. J., Jeggle, C., Gaertner, R. J., Meier, M., Unternaehrer, E., ... & Pruessner, J. C. (2023). Increased empathic distress in adults is associated with higher levels of childhood maltreatment. Scientific reports13(1), 4087.

Faig, K. E., Smith, K. E., & Dimitroff, S. J. (2023). Somatovisceral Influences on Emotional Development. Emotion Review, 17540739231163180.

Meier, M., Benz, A., Bentele, U. U., Dimitroff, S. J., Denk, B., Unternaehrer, E., & Pruessner, J. C. (2022). Validation of an online version of the Trier Social Stress Test in adult men and women. Psychoneuroendocrinology131, 105498.

Meier, M., Bentele, U. U. Benz, A., Denk, B., Dimitroff, S. J., Pruessner, J. C., & Unternaehrer, E. (2021). Effects of psychological, sensory, and metabolic energy prime manipulation on the acute endocrine stress response in fasted women. Psychoneuroendocrinology134, 105452. 

Benz, A. Gaertner, R., Meier, M., Unternaehrer, E., Scharndke, S., Jupe, C., Wenzel, M., Bentele, U. U., Dimitroff, S. J., Denk, B. Pruessner, J. C. (2022). Nature-based relaxation videos and their effect on autonomic regulation. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.

Bentele, U. U., Meier, M., Benz, A., Denk. B., Dimitroff, S. J., & Pruessner, J. C. (2021). The impact of maternal care and blood glucose availability on the cortisol stress response in fasted women. Journal of Neural Transmission128, 1287-1300.

Denk. B., Dimitroff, S. J., Meir, M., Benz, A. B. E., Bentele, U. U., Unternaehrer, E., Popvic, N. F., Gaissmaier, W., Pruessner,  J. C. (2021). Influence of stress on physiological synchrony in a stressful versus non-stressful group setting. Journal of Neural Transmission128(11), 1335-1345.

Benz, A., Kloker, L. V., Kuhlmann, T., Meier, M., Unternaehrer, E., Bentele, U. U., Dimitroff, S. J., Denk, B., Reips, U-D., & Pruessner, J. C. (2021). Psychometric properties of a German translation of the Parental Bonding Instrument. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie72(1), 34-44.

Meier, M., Unternaehrer, E., Dimitroff, S. J., Benz, A., Bentele, U. U., Schorpp, S. M., Wenzel, M., Pruessner, J. C. (2020). Standardized massage interventions as protocols for the induction of psychophysiological relaxation in the laboratory: a block randomized, controlled trial. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 14774.

Meier, M., Unternaehrer, E., Schorpp, S., Wenzel, M., Benz, A., Bentele, U. U., Dimitroff, S. J., Denk, B, & Pruessner, J. C, (2020). The Opposite of Stress: The Relationship Between Vagal Tone, Creativity, and Divergent Thinking. Experimental Psychology, 67(2), 150-159.

Dimitroff, S.J., Harrod, E., Smith, K.E., Faig, K.E., Decety, J., & Norman, G.J. (2019). Third party punishment following observed social rejection. Emotion, 20(4), 713-720. 

Necka, E.A., Faig, K.E., Van Hedger, K., Lyons, I.M., Dimitroff, S. J., Luhmann, M., Puts, D.A., Norman, G.J. (2018). Women’s attention to and memory for fertile- and non-fertile phase women across the menstrual cycle. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology, 4(3), 283-305.

Dimitroff, S. J., Kardan, O., Necka, E. A., Decety, J., Berman, M. G., & Norman, G. J. (2017). Physiological dynamics of stress contagion. Scientific Reports6(1), 6168.

Necka, E. A., Puts, D. A., Dimitroff, S. J., and Norman G. J. (2015). Other women’s fertility moderates female resource distribution across the menstrual cycle. Evolution & Human Behavior, 37(5), 387-391.

Dimitroff, S. J. (2014). Phasic Estradiol Levels and Bias for Immediate Rewards. The Journal of Neuroscience34(37), 12239-12240.

Professional Experience

Postdoctoral Scholar, University of Konstanz, 2018-2023