Clinical Psychology Program: Student Self-Disclosure in Classes

In accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA, 2002) Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct Standard 7.04, students and prospective students should be aware that some courses enrolled in by all Clinical Psychology students may require disclosure of certain personal information related to the student's ability to understand the purposes of these courses and their application to the effective practice of clinical psychology. For example, students may be asked to relate personal experiences to particular therapy concepts or processes. Faculty and training staff will assist students in exploring and understanding how relevant parts of the student’s history and personal qualities affect clinical and other professional relationships, and therapeutic interactions and interventions. The program sees such exploration as an important part of the process of becoming an effective clinician. This exploration may also include identifying and processing student cohort dynamics, with the objective of helping the student develop professional, collegial relationship skills. Students can be expected to examine and discuss issues such as how personal characteristics and interpersonal styles affect professional group functioning, addressing and resolving conflicts, and addressing power differences within professional groups.

In addition, consistent with APA Ethics Code Standard 7.04 requirements, students may also be required to disclose certain personal information, subject to appropriate confidentiality safeguards, when the clinical faculty considers the disclosure of such information necessary to evaluate a student whose observed personal problems could reasonably be judged to be preventing the student from competently performing training or professionally-related activities. These disclosures will occur in private and confidential consultation with faculty members unless a student voluntarily chooses to make them in a class setting.