Clinical Psychology Faculty

Stuart Hall, Ph.D.

Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology


Skaggs Bldg 207
Office Hours

Office hours:  Wednesday 2-3:30 and by appointment


Personal Summary

Note:  I will not be taking a new graduate students.


Postdoctoral Fellowship, The Ohio State University Hospitals College of Medicine, 1989-1991
Ph.D.,The University of Texas at Austin, 1989
B.A.,The University of Texas at Austin, 1983

Courses Taught

Psych 250 - Introduction to Biological Psychology, Psych 356 - Human Neuropsychology, Psych 571 - Advanced Physiological Psychology, Psych 632 - Introduction to Clinical Neuropsychology, Psych 631 - Neuropsychological Assessment, Psych 678 - Advanced Seminar in Clinical Neuropsychology

Selected Publications

Hall, S., Pinkston, S.L., Szalda-Petree, A.C., & Coronis, A.R. (1996).  The performance of healthy older adults on the Continuous Visual Memory Test and the Visual-Motor Integration Test:  Preliminary findings.  Journal of Clinical Psychology, 52, 449-454.

Malloy, P.,Berlanger, H.,  Hall, S., Aloiq, M., & Salloway, S. (2003).  Assessing Visuoconstructional Performance in AD, MCI and Normal Elderly Using the Berry Visual-Motor Integration Test, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 17 (4) 544-550.

Trontel, H.G., Hall, S., Ashendorf, L., and O'Connor, M. K. (2013). The Impact of Diagnosis Threat on Academic Self-Efficacy in mild Traumatic Brain Injury.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 35 (9) 960-970.

Caughie, C., Bean, P., Tiede, P., Cobb., J., McFarland, C., and Hall, S. (2020)., The Effects of Dementia Worry on Cognitive Performance in Older Adults, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 36(1), 29-36.

Caughie, C., Kronenberger, O., Cobb, J., Margaris, Helen, McFarland, C., & Hall, S. (2022). Age-based stereotype threat and neuropsychological performance in older adults, Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition,

Selected Recent Presentations

Clark, B., Hall, S., Bean, P., Carroll, E., McCarvel, M., Hoffman, M., & McFarland (2018, February). Cancer Patients’ Mental Health Concerns, Cognitive Abilities, and Spiritual Well-Being After      Chemotherapy. Poster presented at the 46th North American meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society in Washington, DC.

Bean, P., Reynolds, M., Hall, S. (2019, February).  Tapping into the neuropsychological experience of healthy older adults.  Poster presented at the 47th meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New York, NY.

Reynolds, M., Bean, P., Hall, S. (2019, February).  Examining the effect of terminology and emotional difficulties on perceptions of mild traumatic brain injury.  Poster presented at the 47th meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New York, NY.

Clark, B., & Hall, S. (2019, February).  Financial difficulties predict subjective cognitive impairment after chemotherapy.  Poster presented at the 47th meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New York, NY.

Caughie, C., Bean, P., Tiede, P., Cobb, J., & Hall, S. (2020). Effects of Dementia Worry on Executive Function, Memory, and Processing Speed in Healthy Older Adults. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Denver, CO.

Caughie, C., Bean, P., Cobb, J., Tiede, P., Coombs, N., & Hall, S. (2020). The Relationship Between Self-Reported Sleep Quality And Memory Performance in Older Adults. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Denver, CO.

Caughie, C., Bean, P., Tiede, P., Cobb, J., & Hall, S. (2020). The Impact of Age-Based Stereotypes on Objective Cognitive Performance and Subjective Cognitive Concern in Older Adults. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Denver, CO.

Bean, P., Caughie, C., Bean, F., Cobb, J. & Hall, S. (2020).  Tapping Into the Assessment Experience In Healthy Young Adults.  Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Denver, CO.

Clark, B., & Hall, S. (2020). The Progressive Visual Memory Test (PVMT): A New Approach to Assessing Performance Validity. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society. Denver, CO (February 2020).

Caughie, C., Heppner, H., Bean, P., Hall, S. (2021). Worried well or rightfully worried? A coming of old age story. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Bean, P., Caughie, C., & Hall, S. (2022, February). The effect of gender on older adults’ perceived memory         abilities. Poster presented at the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA.

Mashinchi, G.M., McFarland, C. P., & Hall, S. (2022, February). Handicraft art leisure activities and cognitive reserve. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA (remote).

Mashinchi, G.M., Hicks, E. C., Heppner, H., & Hall, S. (2022, February). The prevalence of PTSD in dementia caregivers. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, New Orleans, LA (remote).

Maxson, C.M., Gorter, B. G., Hall, S. (2022). A Prospection Intervention Engenders Greater
Episodic Specificity. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the
International Neuropsychological Society, New Orléans, Louisiana.

Hicks, E., Hall, S. (2022). The Relationship Between Air Quality, Physical Activity, and Cognitive Decline [Poster presentation]. International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, remote.

Heppner, H., & Hall, S. (2022, February). Thinking Makes it so: Cognitive Control and Emotion Regulation. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society Conference, New Orleans, LA (remote).

Professional Experience

My research interests focus on non-neurological issues in neuropsychological assessment. The primary thrust of my lab is in detecting inadequate effort in neuropsychological assessment and better understanding the process of dissumlation.  We have also initiated some studies of diagnosis threat.


skiing, mountain biking, hiking, curling, bass guitar, and dogs