Updated information for instructors (8/21/20)

Dear colleagues,

In response to your questions about instruction and in particular, about using Moodle to complement your teaching, the FAQs on the Keep on Teaching website were updated today. Please take some time to read them.

Also, some of you have requested microphones for teaching face to face in large classrooms. IT has ordered a number of microphones for instructors to use. We will let you know when they are available. Look for announcements in UMToday, UM’s daily newsletter.

A good number of courses have changed instructional modality over the last couple of weeks. Now that we are a few days into the semester, please make every effort to adhere to the modality that was chosen for each class. Students have been conveying their desires to keep courses in the modality in which they began.

As President Bodnar emphasized in his message to campus today, please encourage students to wear face coverings, socially distance, and avoid large crowds. It’s helpful if we are all promoting the same messages.

Finally, it appears not all of you saw emails we sent instructors in the past couple of weeks. Click on the links below to reference this guidance:

Information to help instructors (8/13/20)

Update from the Provost: Planning for Fall 2020 (7/20/2020)

We welcome your questions and input! Please email officeoftheprovost@umontana.edu to share your thoughts with us.

Thank you for your commitment and dedication to teaching UM students this fall.


Reed Humphrey,

Acting Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs


This message was sent by the Office of the Provost to all UM faculty, graduate students, and staff.