CourseDog Curriculum Demos (8/27/20)

Dear faculty members,

This semester, Faculty Senate and the Office of the Provost are implementing CourseDog, an online tool for curriculum change submissions and approvals. CourseDog will help improve accuracy and efficiency by automating form routing and workflows. Please refer to the updated curriculum deadline memo, which further explains the process.

We encourage faculty and staff who are engaged with curriculum change processes, or who plan on submitting a curriculum change proposal in the coming year, to attend a demonstration session to learn all about CourseDog. Hadley Jackson, Office of the Provost, and Camie Foos, Faculty Senate, along with Nick Geanetta and Kevin Wu of CourseDog, will be on hand to demonstrate the processes and answer your questions. Please RSVP for one of two sessions through the Office of Organizational Learning and Development:

  • Wednesday, September 2 at 10 a.m.
  • Friday, September 4 at 12 p.m.

Phase one of CourseDog implementation (this fall) includes General Education, Writing, Service Learning, and Level I and II curriculum change forms. Phase two will integrate with Banner and include course (eCurr) and program modification forms.

Please contact Hadley Jackson,, or Camie Foos,, with questions. 



Nathan Lindsay

Vice Provost for Academic Affairs


This message was sent by the Office of the Provost to all UM faculty.