College of Humanities and Sciences

Recent News

UM Student Wins Big Snowy Prize for Young Writers

Bottoms Up: UM Course Teaches Students Beer Brewing

Fourth Generation Griz Graduate Carves Path of Research at UM

UM Names Wyss Scholars for Conservation

UM Research Discovers New Way to Generate Human Cartilage

Native UM Student Works to Create Missing Persons Database

Two UM Researchers Earn Prestigious Early Career NSF Awards

Two-Year Old Challenge Accepted: African-American Studies at UM

Acclaimed Author to Join UM as Kittredge Distinguished Writer

A Healthy Skepticism: UM Develops Class to Combat Health Misinformation

Bear Scratch Press: UM Inaugural Printing Class Employs Donated Letterpress

Griz Chat: UM Philosophy Professor Talks Popularity of Scary and Scary-Bad Movies

UM Smoke Researcher Honored by Major Science Organization

UM Student Captures Major Grant for Reducing Carnivore Conflicts on Reservation

Montana’s Poet Laureate Inspires Storytellers at UM

Flathead Lake Bio Station: Swimmer’s Itch is a Fluke

UM Alumna’s Love of History Leads to Leadership Role at National Archives

UM Science Unlocks Secrets of High-Elevation Pregnancies

Native Middle and High School Students Study STEM Through UM Program

UM Math Professor to Chair Prestigious Panel

UM Graduate Leaves Legacy of Inclusion

UM Student a Finalist for Prestigious Fellowship as Graduation Looms

UM Biologist Emlen Elected to National Academy of Sciences