Faculty and Research Areas

Faculty and Research Areas

The research conducted by University of Montana Molecular and Biomedical Sciences (MBS) faculty is diverse in scope. The following is a partial list of areas that you could pursue as a graduate student here at the University of Montana. We encourage you to access the web pages of the faculty associated with the research areas listed below, and contact them directly to learn more about their programs of discovery. All of these faculty members are currently involved in graduate training, and many have openings for new students in their laboratories.

If you are a faculty member with MBS, you can update your personal profile in the UM Employee Database.

Patrick Secor

Assistant Professor


HS 513C
(406) 243-2614
Curriculum Vitae
View/Download CV


Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Washington

PhD, Montana State University

BS, Montana State University

Courses Taught

BIOM450/451 Microbial Physiology

Research Interests

Bacteriophage, host-pathogen interactions, vaccine development

Selected Publications

PR Secor Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=LpTGTwwAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao