Core Faculty Directory

Blake Emidy

Assistant Professor


LAW 148
Office Hours

In-person, by phone, or via Zoom (
Mon-Thurs: 12:00pm - 2:00pm
Or by appointment

Curriculum Vitae
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Personal Summary

Blake Emidy teaches courses in public management and organizational theory and behavior. His research looks at the organizational factors that contribute to employee motivation and well-being in the public sector, including the effects of turbulence and downsizing. He also examines differences in employee perceptions of organizational justice at the intersection of gender, race, sexual orientation, and disability status. Blake's work has appeared in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Management Review, the Review of Public Personnel Administration, and Public Personnel Management. Prior to joining the University of Montana, Blake taught at Georgia College & State University.


Georgia State University, PhD, 2021
Georgia State University, MPA, 2014
University of Mississippi, BA, 2012

Courses Taught

PUAD 504 - Organization Theory
PUAD 522 - Human Resource Management
PUAD 506 - Applied Research Methods
PUAD 525 - Strategic Planning and Leadership

Field of Study

Public Management, Cutback Management, Organizational Turbulence, Organizational Justice


Emidy, M. B., Lewis, G. B., & Pizarro-Bore, X. (2024). U.S. federal employees with disabilities: How perceptions of diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility affect differences in job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and job involvement. Public Personnel Management

Emidy, M. B. (2024). United States federal employee development in turbulent times: Using job demands-resources theory to explain changes in perceived performance and turnover intention during the COVID-19 pandemic. Review of Public Personnel Administration.

Lewis, G. B., Pizarro-Bore, X., & Emidy, M. B. (2023). The impact of telework on the satisfaction of federal workers. Public Management Review

Lewis, G. B., & Emidy, M. B. (2022) Sexual orientation and organizational justice in the federal service: Exploring differences through an intersectional lens. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 32(3), 489-508.


Public Management Research Association
International Research Society for Public Management


Blake is an avid fan of the rock band Phish, having seen 32 shows between 2011 and 2023. In May 2024, he presented at the Phish Studies Conference in Corvallis, OR, connecting key theoretical concepts in Organization Theory to the way the band constructs set lists, creates jams, and responds to audience expectations during a performance.