Barristers' History

Take a Look Into the Past

Barristers' Ball News Clips from the Missoulian in the 1920's

4 December 1921, Missoulian 

“Students in the university law school Friday night took their guests through “cases in Terpsichorean jurisprudence.”  More than 100 couples danced in the ‘annual writhings of hell’ – a tour in nine circles conducted according to ‘excerpts from Lucifer’s handbook,’ a program printed in flame red.

From the outer portals to the inner-most cavern, Union hall was a mystic limbo.  At the head of the stairway, the guests encountered a long, low tunnel of fiery red.  Over the first glowing gate hung a fingerboard declaring ‘This is Hell.’  One stooped to enter the kingdom of Lucifer, where under inverted griddles of dull-hued crepe through which soot-brown bats flitted and beneath which the monarch’s subjects ‘writhed’ to Stygian harmony made by an orchestra of red devils.”

15 December 1923, Missoulian

“150 Couples Attend Dance of Barristers”

“More than 150 couple attended the Barrister’s ball, the annual dance of the State University law students, at the Winter Garden last night.

Owing to the fact that the Winter Garden had been redecorated recently, the embryo lawyers were forced to forego the custom of exercising their creative powers to secure a novel setting for the annual affair.

The feature of the evening was the balloon festival, when more than 500 balloons which were suspended from the ceiling were showered upon the dancers. . . .

Guests in commenting upon the affair last night pronounced it one of the most pleasing affairs of the season.”

3 December 1924, Missoulian

“Lawyers Edit Next Kaimin

“The Barristers’ edition of the Kaimin will appear Friday on the day of the Barristers’ annual formal ball.  ‘This will not be the usual razz sheet,’ said Russell Niles, editor of the edition.  ‘It will be serious, but not sober.  An attempt is being made to give the edition a real legal air, and yet I’m sure students will find our issue interesting and entirely different from any previous lawyers’ edition.’

Among the features will be a biography of each instructor of the Law school, accompanied by a pen sketch, and contributions by important members of the bar throughout the state.  An original legal cross-word puzzle will be another feature.  A feature story covering the annual Barristers’ ball will be the principal story of the edition.”

2 December 1928, Missoulian

“The Barristers’ Ball”

“The annual Barristers’ Ball, given by the Law School association of the University, at the Elks’ Temple last night was declared the most successful ever held by the sixty couples in attendance.  Sheridan’s orchestra, dressed in black gowns and wigs, furnished the music.  Two special numbers in the way of entertainment helped to make the evening more enjoyable.  Miss Elinor Larson gave a classical and jazz dancing number, a short mock trial was staged by members of the Law school.  The chaperons included the members of the Law school faculty.  The programs were of a legal nature, being in the form of a contract entered into by the dance partners.  Invitations were in the nature of a subpoena, and were served upon the members of the bar residing in Missoula, the judges of the Supreme Court and the members of the last year’s graduating class of the Law school.

Punch was served throughout the evening.”