
Student Conduct Code and Residence Hall Handbook

In general, students are expected to behave in a considerate and responsible manner which respects the rights of the University and of any other person who may be affected by their actions. All Residence Hall students are expected to abide by the Student Conduct Code. In addition to the Student Conduct Code, UM Housing has outlined the following policies in our Residence Hall Student Handbook for students living in and visiting the Residence Halls. 

Medical Amnesty Policy

Medical Amnesty Policy

The University of Montana strongly encourages students and organizations to immediately contact University staff, emergency medical services, and/or law enforcement when they have reason to believe that a student’s health or safety is at risk. To mitigate barriers to requesting medical aid that may be caused by consumption or use of alcohol or drugs, a Medical Amnesty policy shall apply to:

  1. Students who request aid for themselves;
  2. Students who request aid for another student(s);
  3. Students for whom aid is rendered; and
  4. Students whose use or possession of alcohol and/or drugs were discovered because of a call for medical assistance.

In the situation where a student needs medical assistance, the student(s) who requests and/or receives emergency medical aid and fully complies with University, medical, and/or law enforcement personnel will not be issued disciplinary sanctions nor have conduct files created for the use or possession of alcohol and/or drugs that occurred in connection with the reported incident.

For more information regarding the medical amnesty policy, please review the Student Conduct Code.

Residence Hall Contract

In addition to agreeing to the Residence Hall policies, the student must sign and agree to the Residence Halls Contract for the specific term when submitting their housing application. Below is the contract for the indicated term: