About Us


To be a leader in addressing healthcare workforce needs and improving health outcomes in Montana through collaborative and innovative health science research, projects, and initiatives


Health equity for all Montanans so every Montanan can experience optimal health.


  • Stewardship
  • Synergy
  • Advocacy


  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of UM health science-related activities/needs to help reduce duplication of efforts and foster collaboration between on-campus health science entities.
  • Work closely with internal and external partners to increase UM health science-related partnerships, which include research and project evaluation services (needs assessments, IRB, data analytics, data management, program evaluation, etc.).
  • Assist with proposal development and implementation for collaborative/interdisciplinary projects both for on-campus and external partners to maximize resources coming to Montana and UM.
  • Rapidly respond to health science-related workforce needs to provide training and education that exists outside the traditional academic pathways.
  • Provide guidance and support on Pre/Health Science-related academic programming, outreach/community engagement, campus clinic coordination, and health science marketing/recruitment efforts to ensure workforce needs are being addressed.

Office of Sponsored Programs

Lily Apedaile

Lily Apedaile

Director, Office of Health Research & Partnership

Niki Graham

Niki Graham

Director of Operations

Portia O'Connell

Portia O'Connell

Program Lead, Office of Health Research & Partnership

Leigh Taggart

Leigh Taggart

Workforce Development Coordinator