Price List

Price List

Miseq Pricing

Lib Pricing

MinION Price

Sanger Sequencing and Fragment Analysis

  Internal External Commercial
 Sanger: sample $6.50 $7.50 $9.75
 Fragment Analysis: sample $1.60 $1.92 $2.40
 Fragment Analysis: 96-well plate $135.00 $148.00 $162.00

Access to our servers is available in two modalities

Contributor PI: You contribute an initial fee of $3,500 and a monthly maintenance fee of $25. All the members of your group will have access to all our server facilities. Resources will be divided using a fair share policy. For now there is a 4TB limit on a per group disk space for SSH logins and access to a shared 20 TB scratch. Everything else is currently unmetered but that might change if resources become scarce. Galaxy disk space is currently unmetered

Ad-Hoc user: $125 per month per user. Currently all resources are unmetered save for SSH disk space, which might be capped at 250 GB. If you need more space, please discuss with us

Initial consultation

We will meet with you to discuss your needs free of charge. We are able to help you in all the stages of your project: before grant submission, after your project was approved, before you start analysis of your data or even if you have already started analyzing your data and need help to troubleshoot any ongoing procedure.

Grant writing

We will help you prepare your grant: Support can be offered in writing material and methods sections and we will provide the CVs of the core members that will be involved in your project to make your proposal more competitive. We expect that our estimated cost in terms of human and computational resources will be covered in your grant proposal. We also expect co-authorship if our work entails developing novel methods or tools (but not so if it is just a case of running standard pipelines).

We provide this grant writing support for free if it does not require any preliminary research (doing complex power analysis to determine appropriate sample sizes, processing of existing genomic datasets, ...).

Running standard data analysis pipelines for existing projects

We are implementing a set of standard data analysis pipelines. If your project requires the usage of a standard pipeline, you can make use of our server (see above for fees). If we still do not provide that pipeline but it is deemed by the core as “standard” we will implement it free of charge.

If you want us to run the pipeline for you there will be an extra cost associated based on our standard hourly fee.

We are able to provide training for the usage of our standard pipelines and believe that this is a very cost-attractive proposal if you plan to reuse one of our pipelines quite often. The training will include cradle-to-grave execution on your first real project.

Developing non-standard pipelines or doing novel scientific analysis

Developing non-standard pipelines or doing novel scientific data analysis tailored to your project will cost our standard hourly fee and will most probably entail co-authorship. If you are planning on submitting a grant proposal, we strongly encourage you to involve us from the onset (see Grant Writing above) as that will bring costs down and it will allow you to have appropriate budget allocations for data analysis work.

Ad-hoc consulting

We provide ad-hoc consulting on an hourly basis. This is normally used in ongoing projects where data analysis was started without our help.

Current charge rate

Please consult UMGC for hourly rate.