Attention Seniors: How to Make Your Last Semester Count

UM Student graduating

Hey seniors, it’s officially January and that means you’re almost outta’ here! You’re probably starting to think about graduation, getting that first job out of school, and then yep, the party is just about over.

But don’t let that looming ending get you down; yes, moving on can be tough and I can tell you first-hand that your first year out of college could be a tough one, but remember, you're about to embark on an entirely new and thrilling chapter in your life, and that’s exciting!

But in the meantime, you want to make the most of this last semester, so here are some tips on how to slow down, savor the moment, and soak up every minute of college life.

Tackle your college bucket list

I know that UM has some traditions that every student must do! Hiking the M, per se? Were there things you told yourself as a freshman you’d do before you graduated but still haven’t gotten around to? (For me it was an aerial fitness class that I still haven’t gotten up the nerve to try!) Check any of these activities off your college bucket list so you’re not left regretting what you don't do!

Get job application docs in order

You’ll be applying for jobs before you know it. Have you started putting together your resume? How about polishing your LinkedIn profile? These are important tools to help you land that first job after school so it’s important to get them in order. These could include:

  • Resume
  • Cover letter
  • LinkedIn profile
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Work samples/portfolio

Have these resources ready to go this semester so you can start applying for jobs right away. Plus, if you are having any trouble creating these essential materials ELCS is here to help. Whether you have nothing to go off of or just need a second set of eyes to review we are here to support you!

Schedule a Career Coaching Appointment Now!

Utilize internship opportunities

Does your program have any internship opportunities?  Internships are a great way to get exposure to your soon-to-be career field while also adding relevant work experience to your resume.

If your department does not offer any of these opportunities or it’s too late to add one to your schedule, ELCS can help with that. You can find a complete list of internships both remote and in-person, in Missoula or across the country on Handshake. Or if you don’t have time for a traditional internship visit our website to check out Micro-Internships. These are short-term, flexible, project-based positions to allow you to dip-your-toe into your chosen field without the stress and time commitment of a traditional internship.

Take advantage of on-campus job recruiting

UM hosts a variety of career fair each semester to ensure that you have the opportunity to meet face-to-face with your potential future employers. Throw on something professional (or business casual, this is still Montana), print out some resumes, and join us at one of these awesome events!

ELCS will be hosting four Career Fairs this spring that all UM Students are welcome to attend.

  • Industry and Trades: Careers and internship Fair | February 6, 2024
  • Careers in the Classroom: Educator’s Career Mixer | March 14, 2024
  • Hire a Griz Spring Career Fair | March 28, 2024
  • Summer Opportunities Fair | April, 25, 2024

Or check in with you academic department to see if they are offering any career development events this semester!

Soak up student life

Don't let internships and resumes bog you’re still in college! Live like it! Stay out too late, sleep too much (just on the weekends, of course), and make the most of having a freaking dining hall (even if you won't be here to reap the benefit of the new one).

Senior year is your last opportunity to savor the college life, so make the most of it! That way when you walk across the stage at graduation, you’ll do so with a smile on your face knowing you made the most out of your time at UM and are ready for your next adventure.

Originally written on Citizens Tips For Senior Year of College.