SOCN Faculty

Elena Bigart

Elena Bigart

Research Assistant Professor; Social Scientist and Research Associate, ITRR

Kyle Bocinsky

Kyle Bocinsky

Asst. Research Professor; Director of Climate Extension, Montana Climate Office

Keith Bosak

Keith Bosak

Professor of Nature Based Tourism and Recreation

Brian Chaffin

Brian Chaffin

Associate Professor of Water Policy & Governance

Hilary Faxon

Hilary Faxon

Assistant Professor of Environmental Social Science

Sarah Halvorson

Sarah Halvorson

Professor of Geography

Alexander L. Metcalf

Alexander L. Metcalf

Associate Professor

Elizabeth Covelli Metcalf

Elizabeth Covelli Metcalf

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Affairs; Joel Meier Distinguished Professor of Wildland Management

Martin Nie

Martin Nie

Professor, Natural Resource Policy; Director, Bolle Center for People & Forests

William Rice

William Rice

Assistant Professor of Outdoor Recreation and Wildland Management

Jennifer Thomsen

Jennifer Thomsen

Program Director, Parks, Tourism and Recreation Management

Melissa Weddell

Melissa Weddell

Director & Research Faculty, Institute for Tourism & Recreation Management

Laurie Yung

Laurie Yung

Professor of Natural Resource Social Science; Chair, Department of Society & Conservation

Retired Faculty

Jill M. Belsky

Jill M. Belsky

Professor Emerita of Rural & Environmental Sociology

Perry Brown

Perry Brown

Provost Emeritus

James Burchfield

James Burchfield

Retired, Professor of Forest Social Sciences

Steve McCool

Steve McCool

Professor Emeritus of Wildland Recreation Management

Norma Nickerson

Norma Nickerson

Professor Emeritus of the Institute for Tourism and Recreation Research

Dane Scott

Dane Scott

Retired Professor of Ethics