About Us

The ECOR Labs (Environmental Control for Organismal Research Laboratories) are a new Core Facility at the University of Montana providing scientists with the ability to independently control and manipulate light, temperature, humidity, CO2, and other factors.  A core group of University of Montana faculty from the Division of Biological Sciences (DBS) and the Franke College of Forestry and Conservation (FFCFC) contributed to the effort to establish the ECOR Labs, with generous funding from the Murdock Charitable Trust and matching funds from the University of Montana Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.  The ECOR facilities may be used by all faculty, students, and staff at the University of Montana, as well as regional scientists (as space allows).

ECOR Laboratories Manager

october moynahan

Dr. October Seastone Moynahan, M.S., Ph.D.

Through the ECOR Labs, Dr. Moynahan facilitates experimental science seeking to understand organism responses to environmental variability.  Her primary research interests include restoration ecology, environmental microbiology of disturbed environments, and supporting science as it intersects with education, communication, and management.  After earning a B.S. in Biology from Bates College, M.S. in Microbiology/Biochemistry at UM, and Ph.D in Organismal Biology and Ecology at UM, she worked in environmental consulting, science and art education advocacy, and kid-wrangling.  

ECOR Directors

Dr. Lila Fishman, Ph.D. 

Associate Professor, Plant Evolutionary Genomics
Division of Biological Sciences,
University of Montana

Dr. Cara Nelson, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Restoration Ecology
W.A. Franke College of Forestry & Conservation, University of Montana

Dr. Art Woods, Ph.D.

Professor of Biology
Division of Biological Sciences,
University of Montana

ECOR Collaborators

  • Dr. Anna Sala, DBS (OBE), Plant Physiological Ecology
  • Dr. John Maron, DBS (OBE), Plant Ecology
  • Dr. Ray Callaway, DBS (OBE), Plant Ecology
  • Dr. Solomon Dobrowski, CFC (DFM), Landscape Ecology
  • Dr. Ben Colman, CFC (DECS), Disturbance Ecology
  • Dr. Diana Six, CFC (DECS), Forest Ecology
  • Dr. Zac Cheviron, DBS (OBE), Vertebrate Integrative Biology
  • Dr. Douglas Emlen, DBS (OBE), Insect Evolution/Development
  • Dr. Art Woods, DBS (OBE), Insect Physiological Ecology
  • Dr. John McCutcheon, DBS (CMMB, OBE), Insect-Symbiont Genomics