Testing Accommodations

Eligibility for testing accommodations

For the convenience of faculty and instructors, the Office for Disability Equity offers testing services to their students with disabilities, who are eligible for testing accommodations. 

We recommend that instructors request students for verification of the right to reasonable accommodations before they agree to provide testing accommodations. We provide a verification letter to students for this purpose. Students are responsible for requesting test accommodations and providing the verification letter to their instructors.

For online exams, students with testing accommodation eligibility do not need to schedule the exams with the ODE Testing Center. However, for those who require an online proctor, reader, or scribe, students must schedule their online exams with the ODE Testing Center in advance.

Testing Locations

ODE Testing Center (Mountain Campus)
Located in Room 116 on the first floor of Aber Hall. The center offers test booking to students online or by form. 

Learning Center (Missoula College)
Located in Room 022 at the Missoula College campus, the Learning Center provides testing space by collaborating with the ODE Testing Center. Students book their exams by form.   

Student Success Center Testing Services (Bitterroot College)
The Student Success Center provides testing space for eligible Bitterroot College students. 


Instructor's exam instructions: The Office for Disability Equity strictly follows the instructor's testing instructions. For changes to the exam instructions, students must receive written approval from the instructor even when the change is as simple as a time change. 

Student's Late Arrival: If a student is up to 15 minutes late for a scheduled exam, we will subtract the time missed from the total time allowed for the exam. If a student is more than 15 minutes late, we will determine that the student is a “No show,” and the test will be returned to the instructor. The student will need the instructor's written permission to reschedule the test.

Academic Dishonesty: Any student observed using unauthorized materials or resources during an exam will be reported to the instructor. We have the right to stop an exam at any time if academic dishonesty is witnessed. Academic misconduct is subject to an academic penalty by the instructor and a disciplinary sanction by the University of Montana by the Student Conduct Code.  


Mountain Campus: Dahn Ebert, Testing Coordinator, at (406) 243-4216 or ode.testing@mso.umt.edu

Missoula College River Campus: Learning Center at (406) 243-7826 or mclearningcenter@mso.umt.edu 

Missoula College West Campus: Bonnie Kurien, Access Consultant, at bonnie.kurien@umontana.edu  

Bitterroot College: Student Success Center at (406) 375-0100