Email templates

Email templates to request accommodations

Online class: test accommodations

Subject Line: Test accommodation request

Dear (Instructor's name),

I am a student in your (course name and number) course. I have been approved for accommodations through the Office for Disability Equity. I would like to request test accommodations, which include extended time for quizzes and exams. 

To verify my accommodations, I have attached my accommodation letter from ODE. My ODE consultant (name) is copied on this email. Please let me or my consultant know if you have questions about my request.

Thank you for your attention to my accommodation request. I look forward to hearing from you soon. 

(Student's name and UM ID)

In-person class: test accommodations (when you use a form to book your seat) 

Dear (Instructor’s name),

I am requesting test accommodations in your (course name and number) course. The Office for Disability Equity has approved that I receive test accommodations, and I have attached my accommodation letter. My ODE consultant (name) is copied on this email.

I also attached a Test Accommodation Form, in which I completed the student section. Please complete the instructor's section, sign the form, and return it to me. Then, I will submit it to the ODE Testing Center to secure my testing seat.

Thank you for taking a look at my accommodation request.

(Student’s name and UM ID)

In-person class: test accommodations (when you use online test booking to schedule exams with ODE Testing Center) 

I am requesting test accommodations in your (course name and number) course. The Office for Disability Equity has approved that I receive test accommodations, and I have attached my accommodation letter. My ODE consultant (name) is copied on this email.

I will use the ODE online booking and reserve my testing seat at the ODE Testing Center. After I submit my booking, you will receive an email from ODE. Please keep an eye out for the email and approve my request.    

Thank you,


(Student’s name and UM ID)


Attendance & deadline accommodations

Subject Line: Attendance & deadline accommodation request

Dear (Instructor's name),

My name is (name), and I am taking your class (course name and number). I am working with the Office for Disability Equity. My disability may impact my attendance, exam-taking, and turn-in assignments on time.

I may need to request occasional flexibility with attendance and extensions of assignment dates. I recognize that my request will be considered unreasonable if I miss too many classes/assignments. Before I miss classes or assignments, I would like to talk with you and figure out how this accommodation can be implemented.

I have attached my accommodation letter and have copied my ODE consultant (name) on this email. Please let me know how I can arrange these accommodations with you.

Thank you,
(Student's name and UM ID)

Note taking accommodation

Subject Line: Note-taking accommodation request

Dear (Instructor's name),

I am (your name) and a student in your (course name and number) course. The attached letter verifies that I am qualified for note-taking accommodations from the Office for Disability Equity. My ODE consultant is copied on this email. 

I need help finding a peer note-taker in the class. I would like to receive your assistance in finding a note-taker. Would you announce to the class that someone needs a note-taker? Once someone volunteers to share their notes, I will contact the student and make arrangements.

Thank you,
(Student's name and UM ID)

Audio recording lectures

Subject line: Audio recording lecture accommodation request

Dear (Instructor's name),

My name is (name), and I am taking your class (course name and number). I am working with the Office for Disability Equity. I am requesting that I be allowed to audio record the lecture as an accommodation.

I have attached my accommodation letter. This letter verifies that audio recording is part of my accommodations.

I agree not to share any course recordings with others and acknowledge that the recordings are solely for my personal, educational use. Please let me know if you accept my request or if I should schedule a time to discuss this further.

Thank you,
(Student's name and UM ID) 

General notification

Subject Line: Accommodation request

Dear (Instructor's name),

My name is (name), and I am taking your class (course name and number). I am working with the Office for Disability Equity. I would like to request accommodations for your class. I have copied my ODE consultant (name) and have attached my accommodation letter.

I would like to schedule a time to discuss my approved accommodations with you. Please let me know your convenient time.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

(Student's name and UM ID)