
June 13 - 24 (Workshops) & June 27 -July 8 (Practica)

CoLang Announcements

  • Sorry for the confusion about Saturday check-in to Jesse Hall!

    You can check in to Jesse Hall (i.e. access your room and receive your Griz card) today (6/11/22) if and only if you indicated 6/11 as your check-in date on your registration form.

    Contact us at colang2022@gmail.com if you are unsure what date you indicated.

    If you did indicate 6/11, and you will check-in to Jesse Hall today, please follow instructions for Late Night check-in.

  • We are working hard to make space in the dorms for as many registered participants who need campus housing as possible. Please stay tuned for more updates soon to come! (5/3/2022)

  • We know that the work that takes place at CoLang is extremely important, incredibly valuable, and crucial to so many Indigenous language revitalization and reclamation programs and projects worldwide. We wish that we could host every single registrant at CoLang 2022, but unfortunately our resources have reached an end. We must officially, and finally, close registration for CoLang 2022. This means there will be no late registration. We are truly sorry to report that we will also need to decline some registrations; they will be refunded in full. (4/25/2022)
  • We are overwhelmed and humbled by the enthusiasm for CoLang 2022. As many of you know, we were going to host this event in 2020 and canceled it due to the pandemic. We were extremely grateful for the opportunity to host in 2022, and now, after many years (years!) of planning, we are proud of the work we have been doing to put this together, and moved by the level of interest. We know this will be the greatest CoLang to date, thanks to all of you!!!!!

    There are almost as many registrants at this moment as our (beautiful! small!) campus can accommodate. Due to this, we have no choice but to change the late registration date to an earlier date of May 1 (previously May 15).

    This does not change the ‘early bird’ registration deadline of April 25. Registering after 4/25 incurs a $200 fee. Additionally, we must also state that that those who register after 4/25 will not be guaranteed participation at CoLang 2022. Registrations that come in after our participant capacity is reached will be refunded in full.

    Thank you all so much for your support. There are hardly words to describe our excitement. We can’t wait to see and meet every one of you.

  • The deadline for CoLang 2022 registration has been extended to April 25
  • Registration for CoLang 2022 is now open!!! Visit the Registration page on our website. (posted 2/18/2022)
  • Registration for CoLang 2022 will open on Tuesday, February 15. The link will be posted on our website, our Facebook, and Twitter. (Posted 1/13/2022)
  • The CoLang 2022 Organizers are currently enjoying the task of scheduling workshops, talks, and evening events into the blocks shown in the schedule. Stay tuned for updates! (Posted 12/15/2021)
  • The CoLang 2022 organizers are enjoying their work, and the pleasure of planning this institute in collaboration with all CoLangers. Stay tuned for regular updates to the Workshops page, People page, Events page, Scholarships page - info coming soon (we promise!), and look out for messages from us in your inboxes. Thank you for visiting our website!!! (Posted 10/22/2021)
  • 'Finding Funding Session for CoLang 2022' was held on July 2nd on Zoom. Recording of the session is available. (Posted 7/13/2021)
  • CoLang 2020's closing web series was organized in June 2020! Sessions available via ScholarWorks. (Posted 11/24/20)
  • We are excited to announce that the University of Montana and Chief Dull Knife College have been selected to host CoLang 2022. Stay tuned for more information! (Updated 7/22/20)
  • After careful consideration, we have arrived at the difficult decision to cancel CoLang 2020. Due to the rapidly changing situation with COVID-19 in the United States and around the world, we believe that the risk is too great to continue with the Institute as planned. We want to sincerely thank all of you who have worked with us on building CoLang 2020. (Posted 3/18/20)