Future Programs

As many of the CIS initiatives have launched, there are also programs that are currently in the planning stages. Please refer to this page in the future to get updates on the following programs. 

Tribal Community Research Opportunities

For those seeking to make more meaningful connections with tribal communities, or seeking research and teaching collaborations with Tribal Colleges and Universities, mini grants will be offered to UM faculty and staff looking to establish these relationships. A mentor with established relationships and experience working in Tribal communities will assist in the introductions and forming of research activities. Five separate $1,000 mini grants will be available each academic year. If interested, please refer back to this page to apply.

Montana American Indian Ways of Knowing in STEM

We plan to launch a course that will infuse American Indian Ways of Knowing throughout the coursework of all STEM disciplines at UM. This course will be available to all students during the semester and faculty during the summer. The expected course launch date will be in the fall 2024 semester. 

Native Faculty Growth

We will prioritize efforts to hire Indigenous faculty and staff at UM in order to foster an increased presence of Native mentors for our students as well as welcome diverse knowledge to our campus. We plan to work with UM's Human Resource Services and Office of the Provost in order to make our hiring practices more inclusive. 

What Do You Need?

CIS exists to serve Indigenous and historically excluded STEM students. While we cannot guarantee we will have the ability or funding to assist in the area you might suggest, we want to be able to pivot to our students' needs if we have the resources available. Please feel free to suggest any initiatives or programs you think are beneficial to you, your peers, or this campus. We greatly appreciate your ideas. 

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