Masters of Science in Business Analytics

Find your future in a data-driven world with a cutting-edge degree at UM

Whether you are a business professional, a person looking to re-tool your skillset for the cutting-edge field of data analytics, or a talented undergraduate, the University of Montana’s Master’s of Science in Business Analytics prepares graduates for successful careers at the intersection of business, statistics, and computing. 


Why UM's MSBA Program?

Our program gives students the practical skills they need to successfully leverage data in a variety of contexts. Learn to gather data, including text and images, clean and transform the data, and then perform appropriate statistical analyses to solve problems and aid in decision-making. Receive hands-on instruction in leading programming languages, database management systems, and cloud computing platforms.

Become a modern-day storyteller: Learn to transform raw data into a compelling visual story for boardroom meetings or client presentations.

With all businesses facing disruption, the future requires breakthrough thinking. Our evolving curriculum challenges students to think outside the box and to break what ‘works’ and make it better.  Importantly, this approach is grounded in data governance practices that honor privacy and security concerns.

Integrate internships at Fortune 500 companies with your Capstone (final project) to create a unique academic experience. Incorporate a Cybersecurity certificate into your coursework. Interested in automation and the future of work? Add a machine learning or artificial intelligence class.

Our students combine technical skills with business and domain expertise, leading to a job placement rate post-graduation of 97 percent.  Network with alumni, work in the local tech-scene, become a consultant; our graduates and industry partners will help you navigate the college-to-career transition.

Student feedback on coursework along with deep, ongoing industry partnerships guide faculty to adjust projects and lecture material in real-time.

If you have questions about the UM MSBA program, contact or 406-243-4891.

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