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UM Student Emily Mulvaney Merges Art and Science in Unique Sculptural Creations

Emily Mulvaney, an MFA student at the University of Montana, merges art and science by creating sculptures inspired by bacteria observed in the...

Dr. Piggott Receives NSF CAREER Development Award

Beverly Piggott, Assistant Professor at the University of Montana’s Division of Biological Sciences and Center for Structural and Functional...

Big Give 2024

We're inviting you to join us in supporting our DBS students and programs during our UM-wide day of giving, The Big Give, on March 6-7. All...

Of Mice and Altitude

The Andean leaf-eared mouse does not fear high elevations. University of Montana researcher Jeffrey Good studies freeze-dried mummy mice from atop...

Tropical Biodiversity

The United Nations recently agreed to major expansions of global protected areas (PAs) to slow biodiversity declines. However, although reserves...

Neuroscience Investigates Cures

The day Amber Freed's son Maxwell was diagnosed with SLC6A1 - she left her career, reached out to scientists working on similar genetic...