Our Graduate Students

Hila Tzipora Chase

EE PhD Candidate


HS208 and Field Research Station
Office Hours

11-13:00, Mondays in HS208

Curriculum Vitae
View/Download CV

Research Interests

  • Flight biomechanics, Dinosaur-Avian evolution, comparative flight systems, Pterosaurian flight
  • Ecomorphology, Functional Morphology, functional versatility within flight styles and behaviors in birds
  • Skeletal development, evolutionary adaptation and pattern formation throughout the skeleton, biomineralization
  • Paleontological fieldwork and analysis, fossilization process, microstructure preservation
  • Biologically Inspired Design (including bionics)
  • Exploration of how developmental and other molecular level biology can be used to better analyze organic remains, particularly osteological, and how more understanding may be attained by furthering methodologies this way in Palaeontology and Zooarchaeology
  • Scientific illustration, paleontological reconstruction, 3D art and exhibit design/preparation
  • Science communication, using visual and performing arts to aid science education and awareness
  • Interdisciplinary efforts and collaborations between fields to further the discovery of the natural world and help assuage current environmental (and social) crises

Selected Publications

TEDxCUNY 2015, November 2015. “Re-Enchanting Science: The Mystery and Interconnectedness of the Natural World.” TEDx talk (http://tedxtalks.ted.com/video/The-Mystery-and-Interconnectedn


  • Inter-trabecular angle: A parameter of trabecular bone architecture in the human proximal femur that reveals underlying topological motifs. Reznikov N, Chase H, Ben-Zvi Y, Tarle Y, Singer M, Brumfeld V, Shahar R, and Weiner S.  Acta Biomaterialia. 2016 Oct 15;44:65-72. doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2016.08.040.
  • The 3D structure of the collagen fibril network in human trabecular bone: Relation to trabecular organization. Reznikov N, Chase H, Brumfeld V, Shahar R, Weiner S. Bone. 2015 Feb;71:189-95. doi: 10.1016/j.bone.2014.10.017.
  • Analysis of Trabecular Bone 3D Fabric by Means of a New Topological Parameter: The Inter-Trabecular Angle. Ben-Zvi Y, Reznikov N, Chase H, Tarle Y, Singer M, Brumfeld V, Shahar R, and Weiner S. (In progress)
  • The ITA code I helped develop will be published and made available for use by researchers this year as a Fiji (ImageJ) plug-in. It is currently published as a Matlab GUI at: http://www.weizmann.ac.il/Structural_Biology/Weiner/biomineralization/recent-studies