Species Table

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Image of Ficus lyrata Species ID: Hover over photo below to scroll through ID photos
Flowers - Acer saccharum

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Family Name Moraceae / mulberry

Botanical NameFicus lyrata

Common Names fiddleleaf fig

Native Continents Africa

Native Distribution MapEarth Link Image

Native Range Tropical western and central Africa; from Sierra Leone to Gabon

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Fascinating Facts: Fiddle leaf figs often begin life as an epiphyte high in the dense forest canopy to reach sunlight. When their sticky seed is dropped high on the branch of a tree by a bird or other animal, it can germinate in the rain and sunlight there. Its branches and leaves grow up while it sends aerial roots down toward the ground. It's called a “strangler fig,” eventually killing its host by plundering the moisture, nutrients, and sunlight the host plant needs.