Graduate Students

Tristan Hershberger

Graduate Student

Personal Summary

Hello, I'm Tristan Hershberger, a vibrant and enthusiastic young man navigating my way through life with a passion for the simple joys and trendy experiences. Born and raised in a suburban town, my story is a blend of laughter, friendship, and a love for all things cozy and Instagram-worthy.

Early Life: I grew up in a close-knit community where Friday night football games and Sunday brunches were staple events. My childhood was filled with soccer practices, school dances, and the occasional sleepover with my best friends. From a young age, I showed an interest in creative pursuits, often organizing DIY projects with my friends and documenting every moment with my first camera.

Teenage Adventures: As a teenager, I found my identity in the world of high school trends. I was known for my impeccable fashion sense, always on top of the latest styles and fashion influencers. My weekends were spent exploring new cafes, taking aesthetic photos, and posting them on my carefully curated Instagram feed.

I was also a social butterfly, making lasting connections and friendships. I was the one who organized group outings to the local mall, attended yoga classes with friends, and hosted movie nights with copious amounts of popcorn.

College Days: Heading off to college opened up a new chapter for me. I embraced the freedom and diversity of campus life, joining clubs and groups that fueled my interests. Starbucks became my second home as I juggled classes, socializing, and discovering my passion for marketing.

During this time, my love for travel blossomed. I explored new cities, documenting my adventures with aesthetically pleasing photos and travel blogs. My wanderlust and sense of adventure became defining aspects of my personality.

Career and Adulting: Post-graduation, I pursued a career in social media marketing, where my creativity and knack for trends served me well. I continued to share my life experiences online, inspiring others with my positivity and genuine enthusiasm. I found a balance between my career and personal life, occasionally indulging in my guilty pleasures like avocado toast and weekend brunches.

Present Day: Today, I am a thriving young professional, still captivated by life's little pleasures. My social media presence remains a testament to my journey, filled with snapshots of sunsets, coffee dates, and the occasional throwback to my college days. Whether I'm exploring a new city or curled up with a good book, I continues to embrace life with a cheerful spirit, reminding everyone that joy can be found in the simplest of moments.


Undergraduate at University of Colorado Colorado Springs

Bachelor of Arts - Anthropology


compulsive lying