Study Mathematical Sciences – Pure Mathematics – at the University of Montana

Explore the abstract ideas at the heart of mathematics with some of the best researchers and mathematicians in the Rocky Mountain region.

In the pure mathematics concentration of our bachelor’s degree in math, you’ll engage in rigorous, proof-oriented math. Get ready to discover the world of groups, rings, and fields in algebra. Study mathematical analysis, which is the nexus of calculus and physics. Uncover the underlying patterns of networks through combinatorics and discrete mathematics.

Our math program offers great opportunities for real-world learning and professional development. Our faculty work with undergraduates on research projects on a variety of topics -- from disease modeling to redistricting to infinite-dimensional spaces. The pure math degree is easily tailored to your interests and professional goals.


estimated average salary of graduates with a bachelor’s in mathematics (Source: 2021 Salary Survey, National Association of Colleges and Employers)


math majors to math faculty at UM


scholarships and awards offered each year to undergraduates in the math program

Other Mathematical Sciences Degree Options at UM

What can you do with a Math degree?

In terms of career potential, choosing a major in math is one of the best decisions you can make. The field of mathematics encompasses some of today’s fastest-growing jobs — a trend that’s only expected to continue. For example, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that jobs for mathematicians and statisticians will grow 31% over the next decade. This is eight times the average growth rate for all occupations.

Majoring in math at UM allows you to develop strong programming and problem-solving skills, which are highly valued by employers. The concentration in pure mathematics is also an excellent option if you plan to pursue an advanced degree in math, as many graduate programs require the materials covered in this curriculum.

Jobs for math majors

Mathematics is a versatile degree that can open opportunities to careers in business, data analytics, finance, scientific research, and more. Careers for math majors include:

  • Data analyst
  • Statistician
  • Computer programmer
  • Software engineer
  • Research scientist
  • Actuary
  • Economist

Math major salary

How much can you earn with a math degree? According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, a mathematician’s salary averages $93,290 per year. An actuary makes $111,030, while an economist can expect to earn $108,350. The average pay for a computer programmer is $89,190. Data scientists with a bachelor’s degree in mathematics earn an average of $100,910 a year.

Alumni Success Story: Ian Gonzales

“I arrived at the mathematics department at the University of Montana prepared to just get to the other side of my degree and move on. What I didn’t anticipate was the wonderful and strong math community that my professors would be actively nurturing. The support system of students and faculty helped me turn natural curiosity into mathematical prowess. Now, I’m putting my training toward a master’s degree in pure math with confident sights set on a PhD.”

- Ian Gonzales, UM mathematics degree graduate

Experiential learning in the math degree

We offer a wide range of opportunities for math majors to gain hands-on, real-world experience — including internships and research opportunities.

If you’re interested in pure mathematics, you can work with our faculty on cutting-edge research in a variety of areas, including topology, analysis, and combinatorics. We offer academic-year scholarships for students pursuing research, as well as summer research opportunities.

Community engagement is another important element of our program, and many of our students help organize outreach events for middle and high school students, including our annual Math Day, the regional MATHCOUNTS competition, and the MCTM Math Contest.

Study abroad for math majors

Math is a universal language you can apply anywhere in the world. We invite you to explore study abroad opportunities at the University of Montana to experience a different culture and enrich your education. Great opportunities include the Budapest Semesters in Mathematics or Math Education and Math in Moscow. We also have many students who continue working toward their mathematics degree during other study abroad experiences.

Career development in the math degree

As a math major at UM, you have access to internships and research experiences that connect you with potential career opportunities and to faculty and peers who support you and help you succeed. 

In our Undergraduate Math Seminar, you’ll get to know many of our instructors and their research areas. Employers in the region who are interested in hiring UM math majors also visit campus and the department to talk about what they do.

UM class sizes are small, with upper division math courses averaging about 10-15 students — with a 5:1 student-to-faculty ratio. That means a more personal, engaging learning experience in which you collaborate directly with professors and peers.

Mathematics scholarships at UM

Each year, we award approximately $20,000 to continuing undergraduate math students. Learn more about scholarships and awards for math majors.

Math degree requirements

Coursework for the bachelor’s in mathematics provides a solid foundation in calculus, linear algebra, and introduction to proof. Required courses for the concentration in pure mathematics explore areas such as advanced calculus, abstract algebra and complex analysis. Students who specialize in combinatorics will study discrete math, optimization, and graph theory.

View all classes for the bachelor’s degree in math with a concentration in pure mathematics.