Study History and Political Science at the University of Montana

Share your passion for history and political science as a teacher or educator. The political science concentration of the bachelor’s in history at UM prepares you to teach history, government and one additional social science at the middle and high school levels. It’s also excellent preparation for other careers that involve history pedagogy and historical research — such as jobs in museums, archives and historic preservation.

If you enjoy working in the field, you’re in the right place. Our history degree emphasizes hands-on learning and research — 100% of our students conduct an original research project guided by a faculty mentor. At UM, you’ll also learn from the best, as our award-winning instructors guide you through historical epochs, from the ancient Mediterranean to 19th century America, to modern Latin America.


of our courses are taught by full-time faculty with PhDs in History


faculty have won the Cox Award for Teaching Excellence; 2 were nominated for CASE professor of the Year. 


of students complete an original research project with faculty mentor. 

Other History Degree Options at UM

What can you do with a degree in history and political science?

Designed for teachers, the political science concentration of the history major at UM prepares you for careers in pedagogy and historical research. Many of our graduates work in secondary school classrooms as political science or history teachers — others go on to careers in business and law. This program is also an excellent choice if you’re interested in pursuing graduate study. Learn more about what you can do with a history degree.

History and political science jobs

  • Political science or history teacher (grades 5-12)
  • National park ranger
  • Archivist
  • Librarian
  • Writer
  • Museum curator
  • Lawyer
  • Business owner

History teacher salary 

We estimate that graduates of UM’s history and political science bachelor’s degree program earn an average of $79,444 per year.

If you’re interested in becoming a high school history teacher, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that this occupation pays a median of $62,870 per year, nationally.

“As an Interpretive park ranger, I’m seen as an authority on every park, which means I never know what sort of question the visitor will ask me. Most often I get questions about the history that we interpret but I also get asked about the natural history, the history of the indigenous peoples whose land we are on, astronomy, archaeology, how to visit the surrounding parks, you name it. My opportunity at the University of Montana to explore not just a variety of history courses but also other disciplines really prepared me for my job in public history with the National Park Service.” - Hilary Grabowska, graduate of the Bachelor of Arts in History at UM and park ranger for the National Park Service

Experiential learning in the history and political science degree

Work with faculty on cutting-edge research on issues such as democracy, race, gender and international relations. Gain on-the-job experience through student teaching and internships with historical societies, museums and other organizations. Participate in community engagement projects such as the Black Solidarity Summit and the University of Montana and Missoula County Covid-19 Oral History Collection Project. As a history major at UM, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get hands-on experience that will help you hit the ground running when you graduate. View a gallery of projects for the bachelor’s in history degree.

Study abroad for history majors

Teach history in other parts of the world. Students in the history and political science program at UM have studied abroad in places such as Germany and Wales. Learn more about study abroad opportunities at the University of Montana.

Career development in the history major

At UM, we are here to help you succeed in your career as well as in the classroom. It begins with the dedication and mentorship of our faculty. In addition to being leading researchers who are known around the world, our history faculty have won more teaching awards than any other department here at UM.

There are so many ways to get involved and make new connections. Clubs such as the UM History Society and Phi Alpha Theta host events and hold networking opportunities. Lectures, workshops, conferences and friendly get-togethers provide students, faculty and alumni with additional opportunities to share ideas and good times.

Scholarships for history and political science majors

Each year, the University of Montana awards more than $15,000 in scholarships to students in the history program. Learn more about scholarships for history majors.

Explore classes for the political science concentration of the history degree

The history and political science degree major is designed for students who want to be licensed to teach history, government and one additional social science at the middle and high school levels. To complete the degree, you’ll need to complete the Teacher Education Program through UM’s Department of Teaching and Learning.

View all classes for the bachelor’s in history with a concentration in political science at the University of Montana.