Study French at the University of Montana

Do you dream of traveling the world and experiencing a new culture? Do you want to teach and share your passion for language and literature? If so, earning a Bachelor of Arts in French from the University of Montana is your first step to broadening your knowledge of and appreciation for all things Francophone.

Our four-year bachelor’s degree in French will prepare you for a graduate degree program or a career as a teacher, translator or knowledgeable world traveler. We prioritize experiential learning in our degree in French language program through study abroad opportunities and even learning assistantships in introductory classes for advanced students. Students often double major in French and another subject, such as political science, English or wildlife biology, to open doors to an international career.

Work with our internationally recognized faculty to gain a deeper understanding of French literature, language and culture from the medieval times through today. As a French major, you’ll join a supportive family of scholars, peers and alumni dedicated to helping each other succeed both academically and professionally.

No. 5

5 in College Magazine’s “10 Best Colleges for Studying a Foreign Language



students have participated in TAPIF (Teaching Assistant Program in France) since 2020


French students have studied abroad since 2020

Other French Degree Programs at UM

What can you do with a degree in French?

Learning French is fulfilling on so many levels: personal, professional and cultural. In addition to studying French, you will also master vital communication and critical thinking skills that apply to nearly every career field or industry.

Earning a degree in French language and culture can open multiple doors to rewarding careers both in the United States and across the globe. Many of our students go into teaching. Others participate in NGO work on national and international scales. Graduates of our bachelor’s degree in French program have gone on to excel in a diverse range of fields — including law, education, technology, the arts, politics and health care. You’ll also have a solid foundation to pursue graduate studies in political science, French, education, history, international business, law, social work and public relations.

Jobs for French majors

Some careers you could pursue with a bachelor’s degree in French from UM include:

  • French teacher
  • Foreign Service employee
  • Translator
  • Editor
  • Writer
  • Tour guide
  • Public relations specialist
  • Interpreter
  • International business associate
  • Peace Corps volunteer
  • Researcher
  • Archivist
  • Librarian

Salaries with a French degree

The salary you earn with a degree in French language and culture greatly depends on your chosen career field. For example, high school teachers earn an average salary of $61,820 — according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Interpreters and translators earn an average of $49,000 a year with a bachelor’s degree in French or another language. The median salary for a public relations specialist is $62,800.

Experiential learning in the bachelor’s degree in French

There’s no better way to grow your appreciation for the culture and literature of France than immersing yourself in the study of the language. That’s why we prioritize hands-on learning through study abroad and research opportunities.

Study abroad opportunities for French majors

Dive into the French culture and immerse yourself in the language through our study abroad opportunities. We offer several options for study abroad taking courses in French at a French university. Earn credits toward your undergraduate degree in French while learning the language, traveling across France and experiencing everything the beautiful country and culture have to offer.

Learn more about study abroad opportunities at UM. 

Undergraduate research experiences for the bachelor’s degree in French

While you complete your degree in French, you will undertake a semester-long research project of your choice on French culture. Whether you’re interested in the political history of France or studying 19th century French novels adapted to film and graphic novels, we offer the courses and research opportunities to satisfy your curiosity.

Advanced French majors interested in going into education can apply for learning assistantships to gain experience assisting in introductory classes before graduation.

Career development in the undergraduate degree in French program

One of our top priorities in the French program is preparing our students for a career and life beyond graduation day. Small class sizes allow students to work closely with faculty mentors to succeed both in their studies and as they enter the job market. 

Professional development in the French program

As you’re studying and learning French, you’ll be assigned an advisor from the French faculty who will help you through every stage of the UM experience. French faculty members frequently write letters of recommendation for students pursuing external scholarships and teaching opportunities. Additionally, our esteemed French program faculty mentors can meet with you and share advice from their own careers to assist you in finding the right path for your interests.

Community events and activities

Surround yourself with like-minded Francophones at UM and make lasting friendships while practicing your speaking and listening skills. We offer Le Cercle Francophone to educate and expose you to the French language and culture.

Explore classes for the degree in French

Your first and second-year French courses will fulfill the General Education requirements for Foreign Language/Symbolic Systems and language requirements for particular programs in CHS. Your studies will begin with coverage of basic linguistic skills to prepare you for full participation in upper division French courses.

In addition to learning French, you’ll also take courses in French culture and literature from the Middle Ages to the 21st century — including courses on the French cinema and African cinema.

If you already have prior training or experience, you should take a placement exam to enter the program at the most appropriate level — possibly saving you time and money.

If you are interested in studying French, email Professor Ione Crummy to learn more about the opportunities available at UM.

View all classes for the bachelor degree in French.