Earn Your Customer Relations certificate at Missoula College

Missoula College offers an enriching program in Customer Relations. This program equips students with the skills to foster strong and enduring customer relationships, enhancing their competitive edge in the business world.


projected growth rate in employment for customer service representatives.


estimated number of new jobs expected to be added over the next 10 years.


consumers consider customer service as a crucial factor when deciding whether to do business with a company.

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What Can You Do with a Degree in Customer Relations?

A degree in Customer Relations opens doors to diverse career paths, including Customer Service Specialists, Client Relations Managers, and Account Managers. From Sales Representatives to Public Relations Specialists, there are many opportunities for you in this new, growing career field. 

What Is Advanced Customer Relations?

Advanced Customer Relations involves mastering advanced relationship-building strategies, customer experience management, client retention techniques, and implementing customer-centric strategies at an organizational level. Professionals in this field often take on leadership roles in customer service and relationship management.

Jobs in Customer Relations

  • Customer Relationship Manager
  • Client Services Coordinator
  • Account Executive
  • Customer Success Manager
  • Sales Support Specialist
  • Patient Experience Coordinator
  • Guest Services Manager
  • Public Relations Coordinator

Salary Statistics for Customer Relations

Salaries in the field can vary based on factors such as experience, industry, and location. However, as of May 2020, the BLS reported a median annual wage of $35,920 for customer service representatives in the United States. Professionals in supervisory roles or with specialized expertise can earn higher salaries.

Experiential Learning in Customer Relations

Missoula College places a strong emphasis on experiential learning in the Customer Relations program. Students have the opportunity to engage in real-world scenarios, address customer challenges, and enhance their communication and conflict-resolution skills. This hands-on training ensures that graduates are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of customer interactions.

Possible Internships in Customer Relations

Missoula College collaborates with local businesses and organizations to provide students with valuable internship opportunities in customer relations. These internships offer practical experience, exposure to different industries, and a chance to develop crucial customer-focused skills.

Career Development Options in Customer Relations

Graduates can advance their careers in customer relations by pursuing certifications such as Certified Customer Service Specialist (CCSS) or Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP). Additionally, they can explore leadership roles, such as customer service manager or client relations director, to drive organizational excellence in customer-centric practices.

Become a Student in Customer Relations

The Customer Relations program at Missoula College empowers students to excel in the art of fostering and maintaining valuable customer relationships. With a comprehensive curriculum, promising employment statistics, and a focus on experiential learning and career development, students are well-prepared to embark on rewarding careers in this customer-centric field. Whether aspiring to be customer service specialists, client relationship managers, or patient advocates, this program provides the foundation for success in the world of Customer Relations.

See all the courses for a Customer Relations certificate from Missoula College.