Earn your Central and Southwest Asian Studies bachelor’s degree from the University of Montana

Study the history, cultures, art, architecture, politics, and societies of the vast region extending from western China to the Middle East and North Africa. The Central and Southwest Asian studies degree at UM explores a region of great strategic and political importance — making graduates of our program in demand both in the marketplace and the political landscape.

Central and Southwest Asian studies program provides you with the opportunity to study abroad in the Middle East, Central Asia, south Caucasus, China, and North Africa. Our program prepares you well for an up-close and personal understanding of this part of the world, rich with history, natural resources, and geopolitical importance.

With exceptional faculty who are leading experts in their fields of study, Central and Southwest Asian studies have been the heart of UM’s internationalization efforts. Our graduates go on to successful careers in private and governmental sectors.


average Franke GLI scholarship for study abroad


UM students study abroad in over 40 countries each year


UM international students and scholars from 70 countries

Other Asian Studies Degree Options

What can you do with a Central and Southwest Asian studies degree?

Students with a bachelor’s in Central and Southwest Asian studies have found employment in various governmental departments, including the US Department of State and the US Department of Education. Many have gone on to further their education, receiving their doctorates from such prestigious institutions as Princeton and Georgetown.

Central and Southwest Asian studies jobs

  • Translator/interpreter
  • Foreign correspondent
  • Foreign affairs analyst/consultant
  • Financial advisor
  • International marketing specialist

Central and Southwest Asian studies major salary

With a background in Central and Southwest Asian studies, the career possibilities are wide open, especially since this region is gaining importance politically. Currently, interpreters and translators can earn up to $52,330 per year, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Foreign correspondents average $45,348 per year, while marketing managers can earn as much as $154,470 annually.

Alumni Success Story

“UM is not just about getting a degree. It’s also about getting an overall perspective on the world, growing personally and becoming a better person.”

 -UM Global Student

Experiential learning in the Central and Southwest Asian studies program

The Central and Southwest Asian studies program is designed to ensure you’re not studying from afar — here you will gain hands-on experience with what you’re learning. Students are encouraged to study abroad and learn, see, and experience firsthand this important region.

Study abroad opportunities for Asian studies majors

The Central and Southwest Asian Studies program enjoys numerous partnerships with universities in China, Central Asia, south Caucasus, the Middle East, and North Africa, hosting and offering study abroad experiences to UM students for either one semester or one year.

Learn more about study abroad opportunities at UM.

Career development in Central and Southwest Asian studies

Our Central and Southwest Asian Studies program offers in-depth knowledge and expertise regarding several critical regions of the world. Plus, it affords you the ability to analyze and understand the complexities of histories, politics, and cultures, which are emerging as the most critical in U.S. foreign policy. This positions you well for international employment and government job opportunities.

Networking and professional development in the Central and Southwest Asian studies program

Our highly regarded faculty help students every step of their academic journey and serve as mentors — providing guidance on a career path that will serve them and the world well.  

Other networking opportunities include brown bag presentations featuring different topics, given throughout the year by program professors. In addition, an annual international conference on Central and Southwest Asia delivers a unique perspective on the region, with panel discussions, presentations, and more.

Clubs and student organizations for Central and Southwest Asian studies majors

Central and Southwest Asian majors are welcome to join the Persian Student Association, where students come together to represent and share Persian culture with the UM campus. Students can also get involved with Mount of Olives, which provides students with an environment for discussion and education about Arabic.

Explore classes for Central and Southwest Asian studies

The University of Montana has emerged as a national and international leader in recognizing the significance of Central and Southwest Asia. Our curriculum reflects its value, with such courses as Silk Road, which covers the east-west trade routes, as well as classes on Central Asian artistic traditions and culture, Islamic civilization, and the rise of nationalism, socialism, and religious fundamentalism in various countries of the region.

View all classes for the bachelor’s degree in Central and Southwest Asian Studies.