All Things Living

How does the brain work? How do pathogens cause disease and how do our immune systems respond? How do genomes evolve and how do birds fly? UM is home to world-class faculty that address critical areas of biology, including host-pathogen interactions, genomics, neuroscience, and ecology and conservation biology.


labs/field sites studying health and ecology


degree options for maximum flexibility


million acres of wilderness surround UM

Other Biology Degree Options at UM


Research Facilities

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    Tiny subjects. Big Advances.

    The Center for Biomolecular Structures & Dynamics is home to many of UM’s advanced medical research equipment. Its faculty, fellows and students, who come from diverse fields, conduct serious and impactful research on the biological processes of health and disease.

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    Study from a Boat. Live in a Cabin

    Located on the shores of majestic Flathead Lake, the internationally known Flathead Lake Biological Station provides students and researchers with firsthand opportunities to better understand and preserve our treasured fresh water resources.

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    Your Lab Coat is Included

    The critical work of transferring medical advances from bench to bedside — and the community as a whole — takes place in the multi-disciplinary Center for Translational Medicine. Students benefit from working with industry-leading researchers on studies to develop everything from a COVID-19 vaccine to treatments for opioid addiction.