Internal Processing of Checks and Cash


  1. Checks are logged upon receipt
  2. Cashier processes, and funds are delivered to Treasury Services


Cash payments must be received and processed by Treasury Services, Lommasson 237.  ORSP cannot accept cash. 

Abatements occur when the University is reimbursed for an expense.  Abatements on sponsored projects must be reviewed and approved by the appropriate ORSP departmentally-assigned post-award specialist; send the green abatement card to ORSP for approval and signature.  It will be returned to you for delivery to Treasury Services.  

To return unspent advance payments for subjects/participants:

  1. Contact and discuss with appropriate ORSP departmentally-assigned post-award specialist;
  2. Complete the Cash Deposit Form;
  3. Email form to appropriate post-award specialist;
  4. Specialist will review, indicate approval, date, and return;
  5. Hand deliver the completed form with the cash to Treasury Services, Lommasson 237;  
  6. Treasury Services will provide a receipt for the cash and send the bottom half of the form to ORSP.