Neely Collection

NewsletterThis material was made available by retired Billings attorney Gerald Neely, the author of a pamphlet on the Constitution available in the Campbell Collection. It contains (1) the two issues of a newsletter edited by Mr. Neely during the constitutional convention that are most relevant to the meaning of the Constitution, (2) the Gallatin Voice, a pamphlet discussing the Constitution, (3) a PDF file containing articles on the Constitution published in smaller papers, not represented in the “MT Newspapers Mansfield” Collection, and (4) an issue of the Montana Public Affairs Report containing an analysis of the election by Professor Thomas Payne and Ms. Elizabeth Eastman. These documents are generally word-searchable.

Con Con Newsletter (February 8, 1972 edition)

Con Con Newsletter (March 10, 1972 edition)

Gallatin Voice

Montana Public Affairs Report (election postmortem)

Newspaper articles from smaller papers
