Freshman Wilderness Experience

Freshman Wilderness Experience

One of the best parts about living in Montana is the amazing, accessible and diverse wild places to explore. Begin your college experience by embarking on an outdoor adventure through the Freshman Wilderness Experience (FWE) and enjoy some of the region’s most beautiful backcountry.

FWE is Sponsored by Campus Recreation’s Outdoor Program and UM’s Wilderness Institute. The trips are led by University of Montana students and provides incoming freshman the opportunity to:

  • spend four days and three nights in unforgettable surroundings,
  • advance your leadership skills,
  • learn (or refine your understanding of) Leave No Trace principles,
  • increase your wilderness experience,
  • and establish a network of friends you may have throughout your college experience—or the rest of your life!

No matter where you come from or how much or little experience you have, FWE is a fantastic way to kick off college life at the University of Montana.
