
The University of Montana is committed to identifying, preventing, and eliminating physical and/or programmatic barriers that interfere with participants' access and benefit from University programs, facilities and resources.

ASUM strives for equal and full participation in all facilities, services, programs and events and encourages student groups to offer barrier free access to all their events and activities by taking proactive measures to provide disability related modifications, such as Assistive Listening Devices, ramps, captioning/subtitling, etc. For more information, visit

Assistive Equipment & Accommodations

Planning to meet in the UC? Here is a list of assistive equipment and accommodations available upon request:

  • FM Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs) for use with telecoil equipped hearing aids
  • Infrared ALD's for use with or without a hearing aid
  • Ramp for a stage
  • Table risers
  • UC publications available in alternative formats
  • Closed Captioning or Subtitling when possible
  • Automatic door openers
  • Elevators
  • TTY phone at The West Atrium Desk